
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

20 Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business (Free Checklist!)

As a blogger and business owner, sometimes things can get a little hectic and it’s easy to feel like you’re going at this alone. Running your own blog or business can also take up a whole lot of time (ya feel me?) and working 70 hour weeks feels like the norm, at least at first.Ā As much as I love my job (and I bet you do, too!), I realized that there are plenty of small things I can do to boost my blog and business without taking up too much of my day.

Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business

This Ten Minute Task List has 20 simple and quick ten-minute activities that you can do (right now!) to up your game. All that mindless time you spend scrolling through Facebook and Twitter? Well, this list is designed to help you live more intentionally in your spare time, so that when you have a few extra minutes here and there, you can pull out your list and cross something off. Easy!

Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business

Without further ado…

20 Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business:

  1. Respond to one lengthy email.
  2. Respond to comments on one blog post.
  3. Send a pitch to one brand you want to work with.
  4. Follow five inspiring bloggers or businesses on Twitter or Instagram. Say hello!
  5. Clean up your desk area.
  6. Make a to-do list for tomorrow.
  7. Write down one thing youā€™ve been doing well and one thing you could improve on this week.
  8. Organizeā€¦something! Your desk drawers? Your work station? Files on your computer?
  9. Take a ten-minute nap. (Sometimes refreshing yourself is the best thing you can do for your blog + business!)
  10. Pay your bills.
  11. Double check + pay for your blog/website domain names ā€“ when do they expire? Will they auto-renew or do you need to pay manually? (You donā€™t want to lose them when they expire!)
  12. Send an email to 1-2 former clients, kindly asking if theyā€™d be interested in writing a testimonial for your website.
  13. Record your monthly cash flow, including income and expenses. This will help when tax time rolls around!
  14. Set goals for the upcoming month. How many blog posts will you write? How many pageviews will you receive? How many items will you sell? Think big!
  15. Search for inspiration! Check out magazines, Pinterest, or even other blogs to find whatā€™s trending and motivating to you.
  16. Create an email template that you can use for common inquiries from potential clients.
  17. Schedule social media shares for an upcoming blog post.
  18. Eat a healthy snack. Your brain needs fuel to work at its best!
  19. Create a flash sale for your customers ā€“ offer a 24-hour discount and send it only to your subscribers and followers.
  20. Thoughtfully email 2-3 bloggers about guest posting on their site. Include post ideas and a link to your blog to make you stand out!

If you want this in a printable checklist, just click the image below and start sprucin’ up your workday routine.

20 Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business (Free Checklist!)

Instead of crossing off items with a pen, I thought my list would look a bit more organized and sexy by usingĀ Sharpie’s highlighters. This way, I can immediately tell what I haven’t finished yet.Ā SharpieĀ also recently released “Clearview” highlighters, meaning that you can see the text as you highlight (y’know, for neurotic people like me who hate highlighting too many words). I got myĀ highlighters from a drugstore, which also happens to have an incredible selection of candy. *grin* #candyismyweakness

Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business

If you dig this list, just click here or the imageĀ below to download it and print it out! Hang it near your desk and refer back to it whenever you needĀ aĀ quick pick-me-up for your blog or business. Enjoy, friends!

20 Ten Minute Tips for Your Blog + Business (Free Checklist!)

What elseĀ can you do in ten minutes to boost your blog or business?

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