Live in flow with life, rather than fear.

Private and group coaching for visionaries in metamorphosis, led by Melyssa Griffin.

Does any of this resonate?

Why spend any of it out of alignment with how you want to live and who you desire to be?

I built a successful business…

... and now I kind of want to burn it to the ground! I’m craving simplicity and creativity, but I feel like I’ve lost my spark and I don’t know how to get it back. 


My family/culture/partner/society seems to have a vision for how my life should look. I feel trapped by other people’s expectations and just want the courage to follow my path.

...of a big transformation. I see the leaps I need to take to evolve, and yet I’m so, so scared to make a change and have kept myself in a holding pattern for too long.

My habits and routines need an overhaul...

...if I want my vibrancy back. I’m disconnected from myself and my body, which makes it even harder to find the clarity I’m seeking.

I’m tired of hustling.

Deep down, I know I need to slow down, but the thought of losing the stability (and validation, tbh) keeps me on the hamster wheel and I don’t know how to stop.

I see these patterns all over my life...

...the fear of making a mistake and failing, the fear of choosing myself over the status quo, and the inner fear that I’m unworthy of having it all. I know this is something I finally want to heal, but how?

I can tell that I’m on the brink…

You get such little time in this one precious life. 

(Although, sometimes destruction creates the most fertile ground for things to bloom.)

What if choosing your own metamorphosis led you to the most joy, abundance, and freedom you could imagine?

What if you didn’t need to burn your life to the ground in order to love it again?

Ready to follow your flow instead of your fear?

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”

Perhaps Rumi said it best...

Sweet one, you’re not alone in feeling this way.

Elizabeth Marx

Not only is it already completely transforming my business, but the personal growth and healing I'm uncovering are trickling down into my family, my everyday peace, and my physical health too. I want to shout it from the rooftops that if you're interested in this program, DO IT! It's unlike any other business coaching program I've ever experienced - in the best kind of way.

This program has BY FAR been the greatest business investment I have ever made. 

what my clients are saying...


In 6 months, I was able to create 2 evergreen funnels, finish writing a book, hired a team, AND took days off, all while financially supporting my family for the first time. I now lead my team (and myself) from a place of authentic connection, I trust in the work and how I can contribute to the world, and I believe that abundance is actually possible for me (something I never truly believed before this program). 

This coaching program not only transformed my business, but also transformed my life.

what my clients are saying...

Brie Goumaz

If you are considering this program, know that there are resources for you if you need help with your mindset, business plan, Facebook ads, sales funnels, copywriting, and so much more. It is 100% worth the investment.

Melyssa has a way with people and goes to the root of your questions or problems in a way I’ve never seen before.

what my clients are saying...

Raven Rose

It was amazing to connect with everyone else in the program. I had a great experience and feel like I got to be a part of something very special.

The retreat really pushed me to expand in a beautiful way. 

what my clients are saying...

I’m committed to following the current of life instead of resisting it, and it always seems to lead me to the most inner freedom, truth, evolution, and joy.

I used to believe that my life had to look a certain way in order to be considered a success. I dissociated so strongly from my truth that I burned myself out twice, both physically and mentally. I believe that burnout is not just caused by “hustling” or working long hours; it’s caused by trying to fit yourself into a life that can no longer hold the wholeness of who you are. 

By my 30s, I’ve had three completely different businesses (from a web design studio to a multimillion dollar online education company to a thriving bookshop cafe in Europe), have lived on three continents for years at a time, and have made a lot of unconventional, not-so-status-quo decisions along the way. 

It’s caused when we resist who we’re becoming.

I’m no stranger to  metamorphosis  myself. 

As I surrendered to the process, allowed my “not knowing” a seat at the table, and trusted that my life was a question I will endlessly be answering until the day I die… something mystical began to unfold. 

I held every piece of my life up to the light, like Marie Kondo clearing out a closet, and asked myself, “Does this spark joy?” 

If it didn’t, then I untangled the reasons why I’d chosen it in the first place, forgave myself, and moved on. I began to remove the shackles of societal expectations that I’d unknowingly tied myself to, and started living in a way that felt deeply true and free. Anything started to feel possible. That’s because it was.

In that time, I also moved to Europe, opened a bookshop/cafe/community gathering space, and thereby stumbled into one of the most magical eras of my life.

My very own Renaissance period was born. 

Future Current is a culmination of everything I’ve learned and experienced over the past 10+ years of breaking free and helping   100+ coaching clients   do the same. 

Joseph Campbell

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”








what we do here


This is also not spiritual “woo woo”...

BUT you may hear me bring in eastern philosophies, ancient wisdom, and processes in nature that not only mirror the transformations and experiences we have as human beings, but can inform the way we can co-exist with change, fear, possibility, and potential.

This is not business coaching, specifically…

BUT you will be advised by a serial entrepreneur who has founded several 6-7 figure businesses in a variety of industries, like online education, restaurant and brick-and-mortar, design services, and of course coaching. If you need guidance or clarity on how to bring your business back into alignment or grow it with soul, I can help you with that.

This is not therapy, either…

BUT you’ll receive support from a trauma-informed, certified Life Coach who has helped 100+ clients to unearth and change their deep-rooted patterns and choices that kept them from the life they desired. I am all about helping you dig deep so that together we can heal what’s been keeping you from your most vibrant, expressed, and aligned self.

Ready to work together? 

Imagine having the accountability from a Life Coach and Business Coach all in one program, where there’s no more room to hide, and plenty of space to grow. 

Together, we’re forging a new way of coaching that merges “the doing” and “the being” in order to help you live a life that feels spectacularly, simply, yours.

Imagine having someone to turn to who can give you feedback on which direction to take your business, while also understanding the lifelong personal patterns that have kept you feeling unworthy and stuck.

beth ruffin

And leaving this program is a better me; not just a better business owner, but a better person. Melyssa did everything to ensure we felt safe and seen. I am forever grateful.

I leave this program as someone who has gained immense knowledge of who I am and what I bring to this world, aligned to my core values, and with lifelong friends that I may have never have met otherwise. 


Melyssa and her team always seem to put on great events (and coaching calls) that help reach the root of my fears or "problems" - things that I never would have thought to look at or recognize as the barrier to my happiness and success.

I walked away getting exactly what I needed to get out of the retreat. 

Lauren Spigelmyer

I went from hiring one person to hiring four, and for the first time in my business, I have given up control and perfectionism and it has paid off tenfold.

I've become a better leader through this program. One of my main hopes was to gain friendships with like-minded humans and this program gave me that, which I am beyond thankful for!

I am utterly shocked by my growth since I joined.


Before I joined, I felt a lot of untapped potential in my business, yet I had resistance and fear in actually taking the steps to make it happen. In this program, I learned the exact steps I needed to take to level-up. Despite a global pandemic and recession, I've brought more money into my bank account than ever before. I've also gained a lot of clarity on what I need to focus on next. This, combined with the circle of friends I have made, has been invaluable.

I'm so grateful for this program and all the support, connection, and motivation it gave me.

what my clients are saying...

The Principles We Live By at Future Current


Thinking through the lens of possibility creates the most solutions. 

Oftentimes, when you feel stuck, it’s because you’ve narrowed the aperture of your life and are only able to see an abbreviated list of (repetitive, not-so-great) solutions. My goal is to help you develop an unshakable, possibility-oriented mindset that combines both strategic thinking and deep intuition, because the solutions you’re seeking may currently be just outside your line of sight.


Strategy and intuition are necessary.

You hear a lot these days about masculine “doing” and feminine “being” energy (often with one being deemed as better than the other). Sometimes coaching can feel one-sided, either preaching strategy and tactics or slowing down and tuning in. But if you want to live a life of wholeness, why would we abandon an entire aspect of who you are? If you tend to be more comfortable with one or the other, we’ll support you in reclaiming the parts of yourself that you’ve lost along the way.


We live by the Taoist philosophy, Wu Wei, which means “effortless action.”

Wu Wei is all about taking efficient actions that flow with the direction of life, rather than in resistance to it. So much of our culture is designed to have us make endless decisions, hustle our way to worthiness, and wear burnout like a badge of honor. And yet, things still need to get done, don’t they? Wu Wei is essentially about getting the meaningful things done while remaining in alignment with the natural flow of life.


Right/Wrong and Good/Bad thinking is unhelpful and subjective. 

Sometimes we experience something that seems “good” on the surface, but ends up leading to a negative outcome. The opposite can be true, too. Right/Wrong thinking is usually based on society’s expectations rather than your own inner compass. No one is going to give you the “right answer.” There isn’t one. Instead, we’re here to observe, to notice, and to help you make decisions from a place of acceptance and alignment.

Western cultures believe we must be alive for a purpose. To work, to make money. Some indigenous cultures believe we're alive just as nature is alive: to be here, to be beautiful and strange. We don't need to achieve anything to be valid in our humanness. 

Melanie Lau









At any point, I’ll pull from my toolkit of coaching and business expertise to support you in getting what you need to move forward with alignment.

Our Library of Methods, Philosophies, and Knowledge

  • Online marketing (email, social media, copywriting, advertising, and more)
  • Sales (calls, process, and templates)
  • Content marketing (podcasting, blogging, YouTube)
  • Hiring, training, and leading an epic team
  • Crafting digital products and services that you and your customers love
  • Systems and operations for a streamlined business
  • Adopting a visionary mindset and delegating tasks
  • Pricing and selling offers
  • The operations and strategy behind creating a brick-and-mortar business or restaurant
  • Hosting retreats and in-person events

Methods for Metamorphosis

  • Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique, “EFT”
  • Breathwork
  • “The Work” by Byron Katie
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Parts Work
  • Examining Patterns of Interpersonal Relationships and Family Dynamics
  • Enneagram
  • Taoist Principles
  • Possibility Brainstorms 
  • Be-Do-Have
  • Values Alignment and Clarity
  • Rituals, Routines, and Environment Assessment
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Ontological Coaching
  • Human Design
  • Aligning With and Tuning Into Nature
  • Meditation

Business Toolkit

what my clients are saying...

Melyssa’s retreat helped me see my business in a different way. 

I realized that the “how” is easy to figure out, as long as you’re grounded in the “why.” Melyssa and her team are inspiring beyond belief. They have an incredible ability to hold space for you, help you break through your limitations, and open up the doors to everything that’s possible for you. 

Mary Jelkovsky

The expertise, systems, and guidance so generously shared with us has been incredibly valuable.

...but the discovering and healing of my own self-limiting beliefs and fears (and having others walk patiently beside me in that) has been epic for me. How do you say thank you for this kind of soul-feeding, trajectory-changing experience? I am not sure words are big enough.

Cate Giannousopoulos

Taking part in this program has helped me recognize how truly limitless I am. 

I came in expecting guidance on only logic and strategy, but I left realizing true leadership is SO much more than that. Our close-knit community makes me feel seen, loved, and supported, and the memories and breakthroughs I had are ones I will truly *never* forget! Melyssa is one of the wisest, warmest souls I’ve ever met.


This whole program, but especially the virtual retreat, has been so deeply transformational for me on a personal level.

My revenue quadrupled in Q4, I hired a team, received a grant to purchase bakery equipment and launched a wholesale branch! I ended up going a totally different direction than I thought at the start of the program, but I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

Ashley Greeno

“Be patient toward everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions. The point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Future Current Coaching Opportunities


1-1 Coaching Experience

You’re ready to go all-in on your growth, alignment, and evolution.

In this bespoke 6-month experience, you’ll awaken new possibilities, make courageous choices, heal the limiting patterns and stories that have held you back, and learn how to embody a newer, truer vision of who you are and where you’re going.


In-Depth Intake Questionnaire

This is where I get to learn all about you, where you’re at, and what you desire. And this is where YOU get to spill out exactly how you feel — you may just surprise yourself with what you discover from this activity alone.

Half-Day Opening Experience

During this 4-hour intensive session, we’ll get clear on the space between how you feel and how you want to feel so that we can create a blueprint guiding our journey together. 

Weekly 1-1 Coaching Calls

During these sessions, we’ll continue the work so that you make steady progress every week and month. These calls are where we can employ a range of techniques and tools to help you find clarity, make important decisions, and come home to yourself. They can include a medley of both life coaching and business coaching, depending on what is needed.

Voxer Support In Between Calls

If something arises in between our scheduled sessions, you can reach me through Voxer (a platform that allows you to send voice notes for free), where I can provide feedback and support every step of the way. 

Customized Homework

During this bespoke experience, you’ll receive periodic homework designed to help you tune in, take effortless action, and discover the clarity that already exists within you. Homework may come in the form of journal prompts, videos, books, and at-home exercises.

Full Access to All of My Online Courses + Resources

I ran a multimillion dollar online education + coaching business for years, which means if you need help with a specific area of business…I probably have a resource, course, or template for that. As a private client, you’ll receive access to whatever you need if it will help you on your path of alignment. 

Ready to say YES to your own metamorphosis?


Group Coaching Experience

You’re ready to break free, tune your awareness to possibility instead of problems, and create lasting peace, abundance, and resilience.

In this small group, 6-month coaching experience you’ll be held within a community of other visionaries who are also in the process of letting go and becoming anew. 


In-Depth Intake Questionnaire

This is where I get to learn all about you, where you’re at, and what you desire. And this is where YOU get to spill out exactly how you feel — you may just surprise yourself with what you discover from this activity alone.

Group Coaching Calls 2x Per Month

During these sessions, we’ll continue the work so that you make steady progress. These calls are where we can employ a range of techniques and tools to help you find clarity, make important decisions, and come home to yourself. They can include a medley of both life coaching and business coaching, depending on what is needed for the group and each individual.

Slack Support In Between Calls

If something arises in between our scheduled sessions, you can reach me and the others in our group via written message or voice note on Slack, where you’ll receive feedback and support every step of the way. 

Customized Homework

During this experience, you’ll receive periodic homework designed to help you tune in, take effortless action, and discover the clarity that already exists within you. Homework may come in the form of journal prompts, videos, books, and at-home exercises.

Access to Templates + Resources

I ran a multimillion dollar online education + coaching business for years, which means if you need help with a specific area of business…I probably have a resource or template for that. You’ll receive access to whatever you need if it will help you on your path of alignment. 

Ready to say YES to the group coaching experience?

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are these programs for?

They’re for women who want to let go of their limitations and reconnect to their inner knowing to make real changes in their life. They’re ideal for someone going through a big transition or metamorphosis, or who wants to.

Do I need to have a business to join?

No, you don’t. You may be joined alongside business owners, but the program is designed for visionaries in metamorphosis, which can apply to many areas of life regardless of whether you own a business or not. The most important question is, is there an untapped dream you desire to make real, and haven’t yet? Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy into creating real change in your life? If yes, then you’re in the right place. 

When does the program start?

Depending on my schedule, intensive 1-1 coaching can start shortly after you’re accepted into the program. I only work with a few private clients at a time. The group coaching experience currently has a waitlist and will be opening for applications later this year.

Who are these programs for?

If it seems like you’d be a good fit for the program, you’ll receive an email to book a 30-minute call with Melyssa to confirm that it feels like a good fit for us both. If it’s a mutual “yes!” then we’ll get you signed up and ready to begin your transformation experience. 


Ready to follow your flow instead of your fear?