
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

cute graphic from the nectar collective!

I write so many posts, all about one specific topic usually. But often, conversations bounce between 20 different things in one sitting. Today, I just want to release some random thoughts I’ve had, kind of like we’re having our own little conversation somewhere in the world. Will you join me?

  • IT’S PI DAY!! I just realized this. šŸ™‚ What’s your favorite kind of pie? Mine is pumpkin!
  • I really like being alone. I can go days without seeing many people and not even realize it. It’s not that I don’t enjoy other people’s company — I really, truly love being around others, too. I guess being alone just isn’t something that sticks out to me. It is also really interesting to me that there are people who crave to be around others constantly. I can’t imagine what that would feel like.
  • On a similar note, I find that I am happiest when I am with friends. I’m happy by myself, but I’m super DUPER happy when I’m with people I love.
  • I’m going camping in Yosemite National Park in a couple weeks. A couple weeks after that I am going to Coachella, a huge music festival in California. I am so excited!!
  • I can be reserved at times. I know when a friendship has reached a new level of importance to me by the sheer fact that I am suddenly blabbering about my private life. Or anything, really.
  • I am unflaggingly optimistic. If something bad is happening, I immediately assume the best-case scenario is about to unfold. It’s very hard, if not impossible, for me to assume the worst. There is either good or growth in everything.
  • I daydream a lot. Sometimes I stay in bed a little later because I’m daydreaming about something and don’t feel like snapping back to reality yet. I used to think that our daydreams were just another realm of our souls — as real as the physical world we live in. Do you daydream often?
  • I have had some sort of acne since elementary school. If there was plastic surgery to permanently get rid of acne, I’d do it.
  • I completely suck at non-physical communication with friends and family — returning emails, texts, facebook messages, you name it. I will read them, be affected by them, formulate a response in my head, and then not respond for a month. Or ever. I have met so many other people who do the same damn thing that I feel like we all must have some undiscovered mental disability. Or at least something in our personality type that makes us all have this problem, no?
  • It angers me how some people can lack compassion toward animals. I remember in college, someone in my Facebook feed (I don’t even remember who), posted a status that said, “A stupid fucking raccoon ran in front of my car and broke my headlight!” “Stupid fucking raccoon”Ā was in all caps, to emphasize how ridiculous it was for an animal to have died while breaking a headlight that might cost her a few dollars to replace. It sounds silly to remember that and to bring it up now, but it moved me in a way I will never forget. It reminded me that there are people so disconnected from the natural world that taking the life of another creature is a burden to them. It’s just really hard for me to wrap my mind around.
  • I go through weird shopping phases where I don’t care about buying clothes for a few months and then all of a sudden I want EVERYTHING EVER MADE. Like this and this and this.
  • I love LOVE blogging. But sometimes when something serious happens in my life and I later go on Twitter or Facebook and see sponsored tweets about cereal or Buzzfeed quizzes about which Hunger Games character I am, all I can think is,Ā what’s the point of all this?Ā 
  • I used to ask myself that last question aĀ lot, just in general. My personality is the type that needs to find meaning in all things. I guess the smartest conclusion I’ve drawn is that there really is no concrete point. To anything. You just have to create your own meaning.
  • I love insects. Pretty much any living thing on the planet…I love it. (Coffee beans were alive once, too, right?) šŸ˜‰
  • I remember in a religion class in college, my professor said that in Buddhism (I think), if you were a bad person, you are reincarnated into something lesser, like a plant or a bumble bee. That idea confused me, as I’ve always felt like plants and insects were on a higher level than humans.
  • I am honestly really excited to get married one day. haha I don’t even have a boyfriend! I just really love having people to take care of. This feeling may have started after getting a dog. It literally thrills me to take care of him everyday. It gives my life a kind of meaning that I could never give it on my own.
  • I also wonder if blogging has skewed my perception of what I want. It feels to me like bloggers tend to be married, have a dog, maybe a kid or three, and own their own home. I find myself wanting all of these things at different times, completely out of the blue, and I can only assume that being around so many other bloggers is the reason.
  • I’m planning to take Monja to a dog park today. It’ll be the first time we’ve been back since his weird issues a couple months ago. I’m a little nervous, but I honestly think most of it is in my head.
  • I hope you have a nice weekend where you feel loved and happy and free. I really do.

That’s enough stream-of-consciousness for today, don’tcha think? šŸ™‚ Maybe I’ll do this again one day…it was pretty fun! Have a great one, everybody! divider-dots Now, say hullo to my leetle friends, or, uh, sponsors. šŸ˜‰

Jenn of Near and Far Montana


You may remember Jenn as she’s been featured here a bunch of times! She’s a world-traveler with her heart in Montana. But don’t take it from me, you can learn all about this pretty little lady right here. You can learn even more about her in this sweet post with 14 things she loves. She mixes up her posts to include a sweet variety of content. Here’s a great “cheers to the ladies” and this post about “the life we imagined” is something I think a lot of us can relate to. By the way, she has baby chickens. If there was ever a reason to follow her blog, I think it’s that. šŸ˜‰ Now go say hi! Jenn is a sweetheart — you’ll fit right in. šŸ™‚

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Alix of Alix Hamilton


Alix is another awesome little lady who has been featured here countless times. Like Jenn, she also has a variety of things she posts about, but you can always count on her for dee-licious recipes, like these chocolate hazelnut cookies or this roast pumpkin and couscous salad. Holy yum. Besides being a whiz in the kitchen, she also has the travel bug. I love these photos of the Italian countryside (so much different than the Japanese countryside I lived in!). She’s even planing a trip to Singapore right now! Have you been? And if you like purdy pictures, you should probably check out her Instagram, too. She’s got lots of those!

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