
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

I almost forgot that Valentine’s Day is TOMORROW! It might even be today in some countries! Madness. I honestly kind of forgot about it this year, but I do like Valentine’s Day, or any holiday really. I think after living abroad where people don’t celebrate the things you grew up with, I came to appreciate all of the little holidays in the US that bring people together in their own ways — kind of like an inside joke between everyone in America. Y’all justĀ get it!Ā Today I’ve got eight gorgeous ladies from all over the world, sharing their thoughts on some fun, love-related questions, just in time for tomorrow’s festivities. They have some super sweet and even shocking stories to tell, so definitely check ’em out below and go give them some love on their blogs. Have a wonderful day everyone!

p.s. If you want to take the Love Languages test (it’s mentioned in one of the questions below!), click here. Then let me know what you get!! Mine are quality time and words of affirmation. šŸ™‚

Thank you to this month’s wonderful contributors:

Always Ashten | Living Your Creative | Sunshine to the Square Inch | Breaking Lo

27th + LuxeĀ | Designs By Emily F | Break the Sky | Beauty In Your Eyes

What is an experience you’ve had that made you feel loved?


My husband and I had a joint Bachelor/Bachelorette weekend in Tahoe a year ago. 12 of our closest friends took time out of their busy schedules and celebrated with us for four days. I’ve never felt so loved (except every day by my hubby!)Ā – Laura ofĀ Breaking Lo


It’s kinda cheesy but I always feel loved around the holidays when I’m with my family (aunts, uncles, cousins) just because we always have fun laughing. I couldn’t really think of any oneĀ experience, but I just kept coming back to time with family.Ā – Emily ofĀ Designs By Emily F

Besides your partner, who is someone that you love? What do you love about them?

Besides my partner, I truly love my parents (sorry, I can’t pick just one!) I love each of them equally, but for different reasons. My dad for his amazing corny sense of humour (which has been passed on to me) and his selflessness. My mom for her ability to laugh at herself and for being the first person to give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.Ā – Amber ofĀ Living Your Creative


Someone(s) that I love are my two little (most of the time angelic) babies. They have taught me more about love than anything else. I also would literally give up my life if necessary for them because of my immense and overwhelming love for Alizah and Kaenan. I’m a big mama bear and those babies are my heart. I love them (and especially my husband) even if, no matter what. – Rebecca ofĀ Beauty In Your Eyes


What’s your Love Language? How do you communicate your love to others?

I am words of affirmation, which makes sense because I AM A TALKER! I often find that a compliment, a kind word or a “just thinking of you” text not only goes a long way with me but with people I care about. I’m usually the girl writing a long birthday card or a letter telling a friend how much I care about them. I also believe in giving out at least ONE compliment to a random stranger a day. I honestly think I get more out of it than the person I complimented does! – Ashten ofĀ Always Ashten


Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. I communicate love by sending cards, by helping people with every day mundane tasks and by buying little gifts for people. I also try and listen to people because everyone needs someone to listen.Ā – Beka ofĀ Sunshine to the Square Inch


If you could buy any Valentine’s Day gift for yourself, what would you choose?


A vacation toĀ Reykjavik or Istanbul!Ā – Manda ofĀ Break the Sky


If I could purchase anything for myself, itĀ would be a trip to the Montpelier Yoga Retreat in Nevis. Nevis is where my dad’s side of the family is from. I can’t think of a better way to relax and learn about a part of my heritage! – Keizra ofĀ 27th + LuxeĀ 

Thanks again to today’s lovely contributors:

27th + LuxeĀ |Ā Designs By Emily FĀ |Ā Break the SkyĀ |Ā Beauty In Your Eyes

Always AshtenĀ |Ā Living Your CreativeĀ |Ā Sunshine to the Square InchĀ |Ā Breaking Lo

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