
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth


Despite the fact that my job as a blogger and designer is constantly evolving, I do find that I have a routine to my days. It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a “behind-the-scenes” look at my day-to-day, so I’m looking forward to peeling back the curtains a bit and answering a question that I get quite frequently: “so, what do you do all day?”


8:00-8:45am: This is when I groggily wake up, look around to see what funky sleeping position my dog is currently in, and crawl out of bed. I shower and do the basic things necessary to maintain a normal human hygiene (ha!),Ā and then I cuddleĀ my dog until he wakes up (seriously, I’m a monster). I take him outside and then make breakfast before sitting down for work. Lately, I’ve been havingĀ avocado toast, a smoothie, and a cup of coffee every.single.day. It’s pretty much the best.

I forgot to mention, but I also aim to get rid of electronics in my bedroom when I’m going to sleep. Instead of using my phone’s alarm, I have an old-fashioned alarm clock thatĀ sounds more like a 1950s fire alarm than anything that should be near my ears. It’s been working out well. šŸ˜‰


8:45-9:30am: This is when I’ll settle down at my desk and start answering emails, mainly to clients and TNC’s developer, Amanda. I don’t think answering emails first thing is the best idea, andĀ it’s a habit I’d honestly like to change.

During this time, I also make a to-do list for the day, with the main tasks I’d like to get done. I have a notebook that I always keep near me for that purpose.

9:30am-12:30pm:Ā What I do during this time can vary a lot each day, but here are some examples of things I’m most likely doing >>

  • Working onĀ design projects for clients.
  • Chatting with my blog coaching clients.
  • Writing blog posts.
  • Responding to comments on the blog.
  • Working on our weekly newsletter.
  • Taking photos for blog posts (the lighting is best at this time!).
  • Reaching out to brands withĀ potential collaboration ideas.
  • Approving TNC contributor pitches and editing contributor posts.
  • Running errands for any supplies I need, from office supplies to photo props.

This is one of my most productive periods during the day, so I generally try to utilize that time to get a lot done! As a specific example, today I finished design proofs for a client, did some trouble-shooting for another client, scheduled a couple blog coaching sessions for next week, and published a blog post.


12:30-1:15pm: Lunch! I like to cook, so I almost always cook something for lunch and dinner. Today, I made teriyaki chicken with veggies and rice pilaf. While eating, I almost always watch an episode of a show I’ve seen 900 times, like The Office or my new favorite, House Hunters. šŸ˜‰ I also often have shows like that playing in the background while I work. I find it’s pretty helpful to have some background noise while designing. And I love this site, which sounds like a coffee shop!

I also take Monja outside for a little break at this time. Lately, I’ve been trying to take him for longer, 30-minute walks + training sessions, which usually extends my break by a few minutes. Here’s Monja, pooped after a long afternoon of doing nothing. šŸ˜‰


1:15-1:45pm:Ā Another bad habit of mine is that I check my emails all throughout the day, rather than at a couple specific times each day. But after lunch, IĀ do ease my way back into work by checking my email and social media. Sometimes, around this time, I’ll also scheduleĀ social media promotions for blog posts.

1:45pm-6:00pm:Ā Like my productive block of time in the afternoon, this section of time is often filled with a variety of different tasks, from creating e-books for our newsletter subscribers to finishing design proofs for clients. Today, during this timeframe, I edited some blog posts, scheduled a future post, did a bit of social media work, revised design proofs for two clients, and revisedĀ the PDF that I give to new potential clients with my services and pricing (which was on my to-do list forĀ ages!). I also gave Monja a bath — don’t tell him, but he needed it! šŸ˜‰

6:00pm-?: Around 6, Monja starts whining about how I haven’t fed him in for-e-ver, so I end up giving him dinner and making some for myself, too. I’ll eat, read, cuddle Monja, and maybe watch some Netflix. After that, I usually work a little more, by choice. If I work in the evening, it’s not usually on clientĀ projects like designs or blog coaching, it’s more-so my own side projects, like e-books and e-courses I want to launch. It’s kind of my “fun time” and those are the types of things that I get really fired up about. šŸ™‚

Most of the time, I work from my desk at home, but once or twice a week, I like to walk to a nearby coffee shop to crank out some work, too. I find that it’s really helpful to get out of the house and surround myselfĀ with others who are working, too.

Since I work from home most days, it’s uber important to have a space that inspires me. I once tried to useĀ a tiny bar cart as a desk in a studio apartment and was massively uninspired. >_< To make my workspace feel more homey, I used a few products — as seen in the photos above — Ā from Lulu & Georgia. You can check them all out there:Ā Misty Pillow (Teal), Agate Coasters, Taliah Pillow (Violet), Kamile Pillow (Black), Natural Patan Pouf, White Florence Throw.

By the way, Lulu & Georgia is having a site-wide 25% off sale for Memorial Day from May 22nd to May 25th, 2015! Mark your calendars, friends. šŸ™‚

What is your typical workday like?

This post is in collaboration with Lulu & Georgia. Thank you for supporting the awesome brands that keep The Nectar Collective going.Ā 


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