
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

You know those Instagram accounts that look like the perfectly staged life? Fresh flowers in every room? Beautifully manicured nails holding a cup of coffee? All gold errthang?

Well, this post is not that.

Don’t get me wrong, I like looking at pictures of perfect things (and I’m guilty of posting them myself sometimes), but what I really LOVE are photos that aren’t afraid to get a little messy. I find much of my inspiration through Instagram and I’m constantly on the lookout for accounts that give me a surge of creativity. I went through all 685 accounts I’m following and decided that these 20 will totally fuel your creative mind. Every time they pop up in my feed, I feel inspired, excited, and downright happy. I hope you’ll dig ’em too! Click their names to be taken to their accounts. (Oh, and a shameless plug? You can follow me on Instagram here).


20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

A shop that is seriously all about having FUN. Their products are colorful, sassy, and totally quirky, and their Instagram is no different.

Batch Please Cookies

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

I recently discovered this account and I LOVE THAT. The artist creates custom cookies and she’s HILARIOUS. I love when someone can take something mundane and turn it into a work of art.

Bright Bazaar

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

His photos are colorful and often of buildings or urban settings. Love them!

Britt Bass

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

I love her eclectic, abstract style of art. I’m also hoping to snag one to go above my bed one day! Love this girl’s feed.

Casey Ligon

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Hand-letterer extraordinaire. I love the way Casey uses regular objects (like chalk or yarn above) and turns them into words. She’s also a master calligrapher and so creative!

The Darling Tree

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Jo, of The Darling Tree, has a really unique and intuitive style of art. I love the way she uses color, shapes, and a sense of spirituality.

Gorman Clothing

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

For a clothing shop, they’re totally doing things right. That “20%” sign made out of their products? So rad.

Happy Mundane

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Aptly titled, Happy Mundane shares photos of otherwise mundane things, like run-down buildings and walls, and turns them into beautiful photos. He’s constantly reminding me to look at the world in new ways.

Hibrid Blog

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

I seriously just love Hibrid’s lettering style.

Ink Print Repeat

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Custom stamps turned into incredible pieces of art? Check.

Jimmy Marble

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

You might remember Jimmy from a recent post I did about his work, and I had to include him again because I’m just that obsessed. He uses human shapes as props and pieces of art and I am totally smitten.


20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Kindah Khalidy creates hand-painted fabrics and totally quirky shapes. The epitome of creativity in my eyes!

Leif Shop

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

This account shares beautiful little pieces of the everyday.

Noel The Artist

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

I love Noel’s lettering style and the quotes he shares.

Paloma Parrot

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

A truly minimalist photography style, but full of so much character.

Pauline Benu

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Pauline creates colorful leather jewelry and I love the product photos she shares on her Instagram. They are so interesting and fun!

Peaches and Keen

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

I love the way Peaches and Keen uses shapes and natural objects, like flower petals, to create really gorgeous photos.

Studio DIY

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

You can’t look at Studio DIY’s photos and NOT feel totally happy. She’s so creative and utterly adorable.

Teil Duncan

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

Any girl that can hand-paint something that beautiful on a pumpkin is OK in my book.

The Crafted Life

20 Instagram Accounts to Fuel Your Creativity

The Crafted Life is a gorgeous DIY site that shares funky and colorful projects. I love her photography!

Which Instagram accounts inspire you?

p.s. My Instagram9 Creative Projects to Help You Become Your Best Self

All photos via each Instagram user’s account.


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