
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

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Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

30 Ways to Feel Like You Accomplished Something Today

You know those days when you go to sleep feeling like you might as well have not woken up at all? You know the ones. The days when you just didn’t really do anything productive, potentially didn’t even leave the house, and maybe didn’t even shower? It’s ok, we’ve all been there. But today, I’m sharing 30 small things you can do so that you can feel like you kick-ass at life everyday. (Hint: Scroll to the bottom of this post for a free checklist!)

  1. Clear out your e-mail inbox. Nothing says, “I have my shit together” like no unread messages. 
  2. While you’re at it, respond to all those e-mails you’ve let pile up. Yes, even the ones that will take more than five minutes. 
  3. Have a dog? Great, take them for an Awesome Walk. An Awesome Walk generally consists of going somewhere new or off the beaten path. Also, I just invented it.
  4. Find a new recipe and cook it for your family or friends. (Or just yourself. I don’t judge.)
  5. Start a new book. Or finish one!
  6. Pick a section of your house and clean it. It’d be great to clean your entire place, but things always get in the way, like time and motivation. Pick something smaller, like your desk or kitchen, and get to work!
  7. Open up iTunes. Go to View, then Show Duplicate Items. It will show you all of the songs you have in your library that are exact duplicates. Delete the evil twins and feel better about your slimmed music library.
  8. If you have time, clean out your music library, too! How often do you really listen to Akon these days anyway?
  9. Create a budget. Don’t forget to include categories for rent/housing, food, utilities, and extras/entertainment. I recently found out about the envelope method of budgeting and it sounds great! Look it up and give it a try. Or try these tips for staying out of debt.
  10. Donate to something or someone. Always feels great to support good causes and good people.
  11. Send an e-mail to some of your favorite bloggers to tell them how much you love their site. It’d make their day and probably make you feel pretty peachy, too, Mother Teresa!
  12. Make something and hang it on your wall. Doesn’t have to be fancy! Print some pictures, doodle on a piece of paper, write your favorite quote on a piece of cardboard from a shoebox…whatever it takes to get creative and make something pretty for your walls. Did you know you could even download cool posters and graphics off of Etsy and print them out?
  13. Buy new toys for your pet. It might not feel like you “accomplished” something if you just buy things for yourself, but buying gifts for your furry friend and watching them happily play with them will certainly feel like an achievement on your part!
  14. Pick up a new hobby.
  15. Do you have a blog and want to make more “blog friends”? Send or reply to a tweet from another blogger you like but have yet to talk to. Make them your new pal! (More Twitter tips here!)
  16. If you don’t live with your folks anymore, snap a picture of yourself with your phone and send it to them just to show them that you’re doing well and that you love them. 
  17. Make a bucket list. Try to cross something off today.
  18. Groom yourself. I know you’re not a dog, but humans need grooming, too. Get a haircut, cut and/or paint your nails, buy a face mask and deep clean your face, and start feeling like a fresher version of your beautiful self.
  19. Is someone’s birthday coming up? Make them a gift as opposed to buying it. They’ll probably love the sentimentality and you’ll feel good about giving them a special present. 
  20. Is something in your house broken? Is a lightbulb out? Shower clogged with hair? *cringe* A pipe leaking? Either fix it or call someone who can. 
  21. Make a to-do list for the day, the week, and the month. You don’t have to start it just yet, but planning out your life will feel like an achievement in itself. Essentially, you’re just making goals!
  22. Do people always look at you funny when you tell them you haven’t seen Mean Girls or Lord of the Rings or some other wildly popular movie that apparently everyone on the planet has seen 80 times? Watch it!
  23. Don’t have a blog? Make one! Have a blog? Update its design for summer! Either way, start something fresh.
  24. Take your camera outside, by yourself, for at least an hour, and just take pictures of whatever you see. If you have a blog, post about your adventure!
  25. Go to futureme.org and write a letter to your future self.
  26. Plan your next vacation. Us bloggers and biz owners need a little self-care from time to time. Ya feel me?
  27. Want a new job? Start searching and apply for at least one job today!
  28. Buy bath salts or elmo bubble foam and take a nice, relaxing dip.
  29. Send someone mail. Who doesn’t love snail mail? It can be a postcard, package, whatever you want! You can even buy them something online and mail it anonymously. Giggity.
  30. Make a list of ten things you absolutely love about yourself. Brag away! It’s not like you have to show it to anyone.

Wooohooo do you feel like a million bucks yet? I sure hope so!

Are you enjoying this post? I created a free checklist to help you get shit done (even when you’re feeling totally unmotivated). Click the button below to get it instantly.

Yes! I want the FREE checklist.

What other things make you feel accomplished even on slower days? Share them in the comments!


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