
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

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Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

One Outfit, Two Ways

I had so much fun with my first “outfit post” that I decided to do another! Actually, this time I’m sharing one outfit that can be styled two ways — perfect for going from day to night without having to change every damn thing on your body. The key elements are a black dress and jean jacket, but just about any dress and jacket combo will do! Check out the quick tips I share below, on how to transition this outfit from a day at the park to a night on the town.Ā 

1. Nighttime Outfit

First up, because I apparently like doing things backwards, is the “night” outfit. I paired my black dress with a jean jacket, thigh-high tights, a chunky rhinestone necklace, and black flats. I also wore red lipstick, because why not? šŸ™‚ Some alternatives would be to wear a leather jacket or kimono and heels.

One Outfit, Two Ways

One Outfit, Two Ways

One Outfit, Two Ways

2. Daytime Outfit

Now, to turn back time and add some casual, daytime vibes to this outfit, I pushed down my thigh-highs and made them into socks, traded my black flats for sneakers, added a long necklace and ditched the rhinestones, and pulled it all together with a beanie.

One Outfit, Two Ways

Can you tell I changed my lipstick, too? I don’t often wear lipstick, so I’ve had this bright MAC shade for years. Literally, years. But wouldn’t it be a fun addition to a casual outfit like this one?

One Outfit, Two Ways

And of course, more of me being a goofball. I can’t take myself seriously when I’m pretending to be a model.

One Outfit, Two Ways

That’s all folks!

One Outfit, Two Ways

I enjoy doing “outfit posts” more than I thought I would! There’s just something fun about using your body and the clothes you wear to express yourself. I get finicky about the clothes in my closet, and if you’re the same way, I hope this post helped you, maybe just a little, to see your wardrobe in a new way. Almost anything can be dressed up or down, which kind of makes everything you own a little more exciting. šŸ™‚ Have a great one, lovers! I’m driving back from Yosemite today and can’t wait to fill you in on everything from my trip! šŸ™‚

Dress: Target | Jean Jacket: Express | Rhinestone Necklace: Target | Thigh-Highs: From Japan | Flats: Target

Beanie: American Apparel | Long Necklace: Forever 21 | Sneakers: Target


Now I’ve got a couple stellar sponsors to share with you!

Sarah of Metamorphocity


Sarah’s blog, Metamorphocity is characterized by a little bit of this and a little bit of that. She’s got a medley of topics under her belt, but one thing that I love is the way she expresses them. Her blog is sincere and her writing is eloquent. Take this post for example — a letter to her 80-year-old self. Or this one about vulnerability. Or even this one, about how tiny people bring us big realizations. Sarah tackles tough, contemplative subjects with grace. Did I mention she’s also funny? Please read this one about that time she embarrassed herself at the office! If you want to work with Sarah, she’s even got a neat series, “We’re Not Defined by Our 9-5s.” Check it out!

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Jenna of A Home Away From Home


Jenna is the lovely gal who writes the blog, A Home Away From Home.Ā She’s an American expat, currently living in South Africa with her fiance! You can learn all about her story (and her relationship with her South African boy!) right here. And if you want to get to know her even more, she also shared six things you should know about her (including a picture of her holding a baby lion!!!). If you want some real talk, I absolutely loved this “reality check” post of hers. And since her main focus is travel, youĀ know she’s got gorgeous travel posts, like ones about Greek Island hopping, adventures with elephants, and her trip to Athens. Color me jealous! šŸ˜‰

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