
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

Let me paint you a little picture here.

Pinfinite Growth Review | Pinterest Marketing | Grow Your Traffic | Grow Your Email List

In early 2015, things were going well for my blog and graphic design business. My readership was growing, my business was hitting $10,000 per month, and I was starting to feel like my efforts over the past couple years were paying off.

But if I left it at that, then I wouldn’t be telling you the full story.

Because while my business was thriving and my blog had an engaged readership, I worked my BUNS off to get there. I was publishing blog posts five days a week. Working with 10-15 clients in any given month. And spending my weekends on my business, instead of on my life.

Look, I enjoy making money and reaching a bigger audience, but none of that mattersĀ when you don’t have a life to enjoy.

I experimented a LOT over the years with different software, platforms, and strategies, butĀ everything seemed to addĀ more work to my never-ending schedule, rather than helping me achieve that coveted element of balance.

That is, until I discovered Pinterest and started experimenting with different strategies.

Within two months, my traffic DOUBLED. Within three months, my email list TRIPLED. And the beauty of it all? My entire Pinterest system ran on autopilot (i.e. it didn’t produce extra work for me!).

In fact, by using Pinterest, I was able to grow my traffic and email list to the pointĀ where my business was earning money on autopilot, too. I stopped taking on a zillion clients. I cut back my blog posts toĀ once a week (rather than 5x!), and get this: my revenue increased.

Remember how I said that I was earning $10,000/month when I was stressed out my mind trying to juggle it all? Well, here’s an income report of mine from less than a year later (when I earned over $100k in a single month). Less stressed, yet more sales? Sign me up!

Pinterest played a BIG role in my ability to scale my blog and business so quickly.

Within one year, Pinterest had helped me grow my monthly traffic to 300,000 pageviews and my number of email subscribers to 35,000. Bananas! And like I said, this had a mega impact on my business’s growth, too.

So, with all of theĀ success that I was seeing on Pinterest, I knew I had to share my system with other people. I created a course called Pinfinite Growth, which walks students through the step-by-step Pinterest system I used for my own blog and business.

Quickly, my students started seeing successes of their own and word about the course started to spread. Within one year, almost 2,000 people signed up forĀ Pinfinite Growth! And my students continue to get rave results (I also JUST updated the entire course, so it’s all fresh and sparkly). šŸ˜‰

Today, I want to share case studies from a few of those students to show you that no matter where you’re at with your blog or business, Pinterest can make a HUGE difference in your amount of freedom, your traffic, your email list, AND your sales.

SO. How can Pinterest help YOU? Let’s chat.

First, let’s get a few things straight.

A lot of people look at Pinterest and judge it (poor Pinterest!). They think that Pinterest only works for…

  • Women.
  • Elaborate cupcake recipes.
  • DIY projectsĀ that basically help you build a house from scratch.

But this is simply not true. Pinterest works for just about EVERY niche out there. It’s like Google in prettier clothes.

Here are a few myths you might believe about Pinterest (and how to deal with them)…

1. Pinterest is just for recipes and DIY projects.

From the outside, it may seem that way, but I can tell you from my own personal experience (and from the experience of my 1,500+ Pinfinite Growth students from all different niches and fields) that Pinterest is a GOLD MINE for anyone who uses it.

And in fact, since so many people are still under the illusion that Pinterest is just for decadent mac and cheese recipes, it means that the people who DO put effort into their Pinterest strategy are seeing massive results.

Bottom line: If you’re not on Pinterest, your competitors will be (and they’ll be getting stellar results!).

2. Pinterest is a social media platform.

Pinterest often gets lumped into platforms like Instagram and Facebook, causing people to look at it as a social media platform (which skews their Pinterest strategy in the wrong direction).

But Pinterest is faaaar from being about social media (I mean, when was the last time you were ā€œsocialā€ on Pinterest?!).

Pinterest is a SEARCH ENGINE. Just like Google. ButĀ in fancy clothes.

Since Pinterest is a search engine, you need to use it like one if you want to succeed. You may have heard the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Well, Pinterest has its own form of SEO, which youā€™ll learn more about during this challenge!

3. Pinterest might help other people get more traffic, but it wonā€™t help me because of my (niche/small number of Pinterest followers/lack of time/other excuse).

I get it. Itā€™s easier to have a ā€œgrass is greenerā€ mindset and assume that everything I just told you will only work for certain people or niches.

But like I mentioned, Iā€™ve taught my powerful Pinterest strategies to over 1,500 people in all kinds of niches.

Finance. Pets. Homesteading. Education. Business. Beauty. Self development. Design. You name it.

And I continue to get emails from people who say that Pinterest helped them ā€œtriple their traffic in one month.ā€ Or get ā€œ1,000 people to join [their] email list without much effort on [their] part.”

It doesnā€™t matter which niche youā€™re in. It just matters that you use the right strategies.

So, let’s dive into a few case studies from some of my Pinfinite Growth students, shall we?

Kaye | Branding Strategist, Web Designer, and E-Course Teacher

Kaye wasn’t new to the online world when she started Pinfinite Growth; she already had a successful business, but was looking for new ways to grow her biz strategically.

Kaye told me that within the first month of using Pinfinite Growth, she earned $6,000 from clients who found her through Pinterest (now that she was WAY more visible on the platform and able to attract more people to her site). She also grew her Pinterest traffic by 33%!

Kaye also said that she now only spends about 30 minutes on Pinterest per week, whereas before she was spending several hours on Pinterest every week, with less results to show for it.

The beauty of Pinfinite Growth is that once you set it up, you’re pretty much DONE and don’t need to continue spending heaps of time on the platform. It will continue to bring you results on autopilot!

By the way, Kaye said that she doesn’t blog often or consistently — soĀ know that you don’t need to have a blog to see resultsĀ from the course.

Learn more about Kaye’s story belowĀ (I also love her answer to the last question — super sweet).

Lydia | Budget + Finance Blogger

Lydia was a fairly new blogger when she joined Pinfinite Growth. Her pageviews were at 7,000 per month and her email list had 27 people on it. She’d only been blogging for a couple months at the time.

But within ONE month of implementing the system I teach in Pinfinite Growth, her pageviews grew from 7,000 per month…to 41,000!Ā And in only two months, she was able to grow her 27-person email list to over 700 people!

Lydia also said that the course helped her hone in on her niche and create a consistent brand, which helped her stand out from her competition. Here’s a mini interview with Lydia (she’s super sweet y’all) to tell youĀ exactly how Pinfinite Growth helped her, what hesitations she had before joining, and more.

Rosie | Capsule Wardrobe Blogger + Stylist

Rosie is a capsule wardrobe blogger and also offers stylist services and assistance. Prior to starting Pinfinite Growth, she was getting 695 monthly pageviews. But the same month she started the course, her pageviews jumped to 3,382. The next month? 12,341. Her pageviews continued to grow and within 5 months, she was up to 43,710 monthly pageviews. Say whaaat!

She also said that the course helped her email list grow to 1,000 subscribers “without much effort on [her] part.”

Here’s Rosie to tell you more about her experience with the course:

So, if you want to…

  • Majorly grow your traffic…
  • Exponentially increase your email list…
  • Lay the foundation that will lead to more sales and income…

…then Pinfinite Growth WILL help you get there faster. šŸ™‚

Click here to learn more about Pinfinite Growth.

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