
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Our Blog + Business Goals for June 2015

Happy Monday, everyone! At the beginning of each month, I share in-depth look at my blogging and businessĀ goals for the month ahead. I find that crafting goals at the start of the month is a great way to align my work with the aspirationsĀ that matter to me most. It’s also a way to keep me focused and dreaming big. Not to mention, sharing these goals for everyone to see makes me even more motivated to complete them. Today, I’m sharing how I did on my monthly goals for May, as well as some BIG goals I’m striving toward this June. Here we go!

How I did on my May goals:

1. Grow TNC’s email listĀ to 4,000 subscribers.

I’m excited to report that we can file this one under “complete!” At the beginning of last month, we started with about 3,200 people on our email list. If you’re unfamiliar, we have a weekly newsletter that we send out to our subscribers, which is full of blog, business, and life advice. An email list is important for a thriving business, as the people on your list are likely the most engaged bunch of followers you have, so I work hard to grow ourĀ email list community.

Specifically, we were able to reach 4,065 subscribers using a variety of different organic marketing methods, which I’d love to share in a future blog post! Altogether, we obtained 900+ new subscribers — our biggest growth in a single month, ever. If you’d like, you can subscribe right here.

2. Prepare a kick-ass presentation for Alt Summit. I’m speaking!

Still polishing the presentation, but just about finished and can’t wait to share it at Alt next week (next week!!!???).

3. Publish an eBook.

Ahh about that…I feel like I have this syndrome where every time I go to write an eBook, I turn it into something much larger, like an eCourse, which takes eons longer to complete. I’m really happy to say, though, that the eCourse I’ve morphed this into is about 70% finished and I will be spending ample time this month to finish and begin launching it. I seriously can’t wait. The practices I’m sharing in the course have grown my blog and business in huge ways, so I’m stoked to share it with you.

4. Read a business book and a book for pleasure.

I did! At the beginning of the month, I read How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul)Ā and The First Phone Call From Heaven. I also started Creative Confidence, but haven’t gotten too far in that one. Have you read any of these?

5. Launch my blog coaching program.

I SURE did! Looking back, I realize that I actually didn’t mention it here on the blog at all, but I did send oneĀ email mentioning my blog coaching services to my email list. Through that one emailĀ and word of mouth, I was able to book three Blog Strategy Sessions and two 30-day Blog Coaching clients, bringing in about $2,500 for my business. Like I mentioned earlier in regards to email lists, don’t underestimate their value in helping you book clients and sell your services to people who actually want them.

It’s also been awesome to connect with other bloggers throughout the month. I love fueling “ah-ha!” moments and just helping people one-on-one.

6. Share my “living room reveal.”

This was one of my favorite posts from last month! You can see my full living room tourĀ right here. After moving to LA three months ago with almost zero furniture, it’s an amazing feeling to walk in my front door and actually feel like I’m “home.”

7. Finish up the final touches on TNC’s new design!

Yes! This has been a big goal of mine for awhile. While I enjoyed the previous design, I knew we could do better to create something that was organized, clean, and colorful. I really love the final result. šŸ™‚

Phew! May was a big month with lots of projects, breakthroughs, and exciting happenings. Now, onto June!

Goals for June 2015:

1. Host my first Twitter Chat

Woo! Can’t wait for this one! Lately, I’ve been more diligent about interacting with our Twitter community and it has been SO.much.fun. In the spirit of community and sharing useful tips, I decided to create #NectarChat, a biweekly Twitter chat where we’ll talk about topics related to blogging and entrepreneurship. Our first chat is THIS Wednesday, June 3rd at 6pm PST and we’ll be chatting about branding your blog and business for success. I can’t wait! I recommend adding it to your planner so you don’t forget. šŸ˜‰ Also, it might help to follow usĀ on Twitter in order to get updates about the chat. STOKED!

p.s. Here’s a little graphic you can share on Twitter, if you’d like!

#NectarChat -- a Twitter Chat for Bloggers and Business Owners, Hosted by The Nectar Collective

2. Launch a podcast

This is something I’ve considered for awhile and finally got the motivation to do. Don’t you love when that happens? I purchased all of the supplies over the weekend and I’m eagerly awaiting their arrival so that I can get started. šŸ˜€ The podcast, like pretty much everything I desire to create (ha!), will be another medium for me to help bloggers and business owners strategize ways to build their online presence, earn and income, and more. I hope you’ll listen once it’s launched. šŸ™‚ What are your current favorite podcasts?

3. Give a speech at Alt Summit that I feel proud of

Although I am an introvert, I actually enjoy giving speeches and workshops. I think a lot of introverts can probably relate to that, despite how we’re sometimes portrayed. Though I kind of like public speaking, I’m still nervous because this workshop does mean a lot to me and I really want to give people valuable information. So, my goal is to help people and to end my workshop feeling like I really impacted the participants in a meaningful way.

4. Finish my eCourse and create a plan to launch it

Prior to this current eCourse I’m working on, I was working on another course that always left me feeling overwhelmed and unorganized. I just could NOT organize the content in a way that felt manageable for me, perhaps because it was too much information, or perhaps because it wasn’t the right time for that course. A couple weeks ago, I had the idea for this new course, and the experience has been vastly different. I am flying through the creation of this one and it feels so organized and purposeful. I’m really excited about it. I guess this was just a reminder that sometimes, even when it feels like we SHOULD do something, it’s okay to put it off for later if it’s just not working out. You can’t force creativity. This is surely a lesson I need to work on.

Anyways, I am hoping to launch this new eCourse sometime next month. This month, I’d just like to finish the content and begin working on a plan to get it out into the world. It’s nerve-wracking, but exciting.

That’s all for me today! I’d love to hear what you’re striving toward this June. What are your goals?


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