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Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

OC Blogger Brunch

Hello lovelies! I know the OC Blogger Brunch was almost a MONTH ago already (can you believe that?!), but I’m finally sharing pics and details about the day when 25+ bloggers came together in the name of friendship and charity. Woohoo!!

For starters, the event was held by Bloggers Giving Back, which is a fairly new, blogger-centric group devoted to hosting charity and volunteer events. I started this group in January, on a whim, and found some other local bloggers who were interested in giving back, too. None of us had ever met before, but together we decided to plan this Blogger Brunch, to bring SoCal bloggers together and to collect clothing for charity. The two charities we benefitted were Working Wardrobes and The Princess Project. Both organizations collect clothing that is distributed to people in need. Working Wardrobes provides professional clothing (and workshops!) to at-risk people who are trying to find stable jobs and independence and the Princess Project provides free prom dresses to girls who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford going to prom. Basically, they kick ass. *grin*

The OC Blogger Brunch was held at an art studio in Orange County, California, called Great Over Good. Great Over Good’s founder, Naadine, passed out some swag to our guests, like these cute postcards. Aren’t they awesome?

OC Blogger Brunch

Our mini Bloggers Giving Back team who put on this event was wonderful and it amazed me how tirelessly some of these women worked to help host this brunch. Seriously, awesome!

Below, Naadine is setting up the tables in the main brunching room. Also, you can see some simple nametags I made for our guests.

OC Blogger Brunch

In addition to brunch, (which was totally delicious and catered by Jay’s), we also did a girly craft (thought up by the super creative Jess!). Each guest got a mason jar and got to fill it with coconut milk, rose petals, almond oil, and brown sugar. Then, they could decorate their jars. I made a scrub too and it smelled frickin’ amazing. Later, I took a bath using this stuff and my dog, Monja, kept lapping up the water. The entire time. So…I guess it tasted good, too? šŸ˜‰

OC Blogger Brunch

I didn’t take nearly enough pictures, especially with all the MANY bloggers I was excited to meet, but I did get to take a photo with the ever-sweet Nicole, from Treasure Tromp! Ain’t she a beaut’? šŸ™‚

OC Blogger Brunch

And here’s a big group photo of all the wonderful women who came to the event! I feel like we’re in a sorority or something. A blogger sorority. haha. šŸ™‚

OC Blogger Brunch

And that’s a wrap! If you couldn’t make it to this event or don’t live in Southern California, then we haveĀ another event next weekend!!Ā This time, the event is called Well Boxed, and we’re putting together care packages for soldiers living abroad who otherwise don’t receive goods from friends or family. You don’t need to live in SoCal to attend, so check out this post to learn all about how you can get involved! Woop woop! Have a beautiful day! šŸ™‚


Now, I’ve got a couple more awesome-sauce bloggers to introduce to you. It’s blogger day here at The Nectar Collective! HOLLLLA!

Jamie of Ink + Adventure

JamieFirst things first, Jamie of Ink + Adventure is an American expat living in Taiwan. Because of her expat status, she’s got some mega-gorgeous travel posts, like Bali by Phone and 5 Tips for Better Travel Photography. I also appreciated this real-talk post, Some Days I Hate Taiwan. Oh, and if you like coffee, you might not want to read this post. šŸ˜‰ But besides being a global girl, she’s also really creative. This wall art she made and this photo backdrop of hers are so neat! She even makes fonts (free for download, too!). Seriously, Jamie is a package deal! Go give her some love on her blog. šŸ™‚

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Esther of Esther & Jacob: Travel, Food, & Marriage


Like Jamie, Esther has got the travel bug! She currently lives in Las Vegas with her husband (and loves it!), but has been to the Galapagos Islands, all over Europe, and to Machu Picchu, just to name a few! She’s also a photographer, so her pictures are always beautiful…I give you: Exhibit AĀ (definitely doing this when I go to Yosemite!).Ā I also just noticed that she donates 10% from her photography business to charity, so she’s kind of hard not to love. šŸ™‚ If you’re a new reader to her blog, you should probably start here or even here. Now, go find out why Esther & Jacob kick butt!

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