
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. I’m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why It’s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth


Hey friends! I hope you have a beautiful weekend. In case you have some down time or need something to do during Friday afternoon at work (ha!), here are some of my favorite links from around the web. Enjoy!

If you’re a blogger, you’ll love these tips from Buzzfeed. We are featured under #15! 🙂

“You don’t owe anybody anything — except love” + 9 other inspiring insights from The Alison Show.

7 essential questions every blogger needs to ask themselves.

How to be more motivated…insights backed by research.

If you know what Humans of New York is, then you’ll love this: read this one, then this one, then this one. The amount of money they raised in a DAY is so inspiring.

46 things girls wish their partner would do in a relationship…ha! What do you think?

Loving these boots (on sale!), this classic watch, this army jacket, these flats, and this tote.

How to become an authority in your niche. 

This one will make you laugh.

You know that depressing, 50%-of-all-marriages-end-in-divorce statistic? Actually, divorce is on the decline and has been for some time now.

Best dog Vines of 2014…hilaaaarious. A total pick-me-up if you need it!

An interesting view on what causes addiction and why community and connection is the cure.

Psychologist says 20-somethings are damaging their future career and relationships by treating the decade as ‘downtime’ before real life begins. What do you think?

An interesting look into one woman’s experience going makeup-free for one week. Alternatively, a look into one man’s experience wearing makeup for a week.

Why giving away everything you know about business has some serious benefits.

Popular TNC posts you might’ve missed: 5 Ways to Keep Your Blog Life Organized, Why I Turn My Cell Phone Off During the Day (And Why You Should, Too!), and 5 Ways to Feel Better Today.

Any links you’ve loved lately?


Ready to follow your flow instead of your fear?