
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons Iā€™ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. Iā€™m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth


I know some people are not into the idea of setting resolutions or goals in January, but I LOVE to dream big! I mean, why not, right?! I may not achieve all of these things (though I have every intention to try!), but I think the biggest goal we can set for ourselves is just to keep growing as people and setting lofty goals helps me do just that. šŸ™‚ Here’s what’s on my agenda this year:


  1. Go to a blogger conference. Any that you all suggest? I’m totally clueless!
  2. Volunteer with Bloggers Giving Back. Ideally, I’d love to do at least five volunteer projects throughout the year (hopefully more!!) and would LOVE to throw a big event, put on by bloggers, to raise money for an organization. Our first planning meeting is January 18th (are you coming??) and I can’t wait!
  3. Possibly start other blogs.Ā Because Crazy Blog Lady is totally the new Crazy Cat Lady. I love how versatile The Nectar Collective is, but my need for organization makes me squirm a little when I write a post on something seemingly unrelated to the usual content of this blog. So why not just make more blogs? haha. šŸ™‚ I’ve got a couple in my head that I am really excited about! Right now it’s just about finding time to put them together!
  4. Double my blogging income. Blogging is ridonkulously fun and enough work to constitute a full-time job, but it’s not easy to make a living from blogging (IMO). I’m lucky to make any money at all from this ol’ sport, but I really want to put myself out there more this year, especially now that I’ve been blogging for 11 months (!!) and try my best to earn more of a living from this space.
  5. Get creative with the Creative Collective. I honestly wasn’t sure if this idea would be very popular, but the response I’ve gotten from you all has been SO AMAZING! It’s got me even more pumped to be creative in 2014 and especially to break out of my normal routines. When I worked at my teaching job, pre-blog days, I had nights free and loved doing craft projects in my spare time. Now my spare time just collides with business and blogging time and it’s hard to find that dividing line. I really want to do every project listed (and hopefully more!) to really get my groove back and separate business from life. šŸ™‚


  1. Create a foolproof flow and process for my business.Ā I feel like I’ve gotten a much MUCH better grasp on running my business since quitting my day job at the end of October last year and have figured out things that work and help my business thrive. But I still have a ways to go and sometimes it feels like I’m just treading water. Just as it did with blogging, I know that with time will come more confidence and knowledge — I can’t wait to get there! šŸ™‚
  2. Become more of a “go-to name” for design.Ā You know those designers that everyone knows of? That have design blogs that lead the artistic world and who are bettering the industry? Well I’m not one of them. Not even close, really. That’s fine with me, since I only started doing this full time in October, but as I start getting a stronger grasp on running this ship, I want to grow and be able to help more people.
  3. Make at least $50,000 before taxes.Ā Making 50k won’t make me a sugar mama, it’ll just mean that I can start saving for retirement, live in a nicer apartment, travel, and buy nicer things for where I live. It also means that I need to work harder and grow as a business woman and person — a nice tradeoff, don’tcha think?
  4. Launch special projects #1 andĀ #2. I know, right? Aren’t I annoying? I have two BIG projects I’ve been wanting to do and don’t want to reveal them just yet (not really sure why that is…nervous, scared, procrastinating?). But I really (!!) hope I can launch at least one this year…we’ll see. šŸ™‚
  5. Buy a new computer. My laptop is from 2010 and still works fine, but since I use my computer all the freakin’ time for work, I think it’s about time for an upgrade.


  1. Take Monja to his classes until he reaches level 4 (the highest) of both obedience and agility training. He is currently at level 2 and 1, respectively, and doing so well! I think I look forward to his classes as much as he does haha. It’s fun bonding time. šŸ™‚
  2. Consider getting Monja a sibling (but not until #1 is accomplished). The thought of having two furball children makes me want to squeal and I know Monja would be thrilled. Maybe at the end of the year we can make it happen! My roommate JUST got a Goldendoodle puppy, so he’s got a playmate for 2014 already. šŸ™‚ She’s adorable!
  3. Read at least ten books. I started reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell a couple days ago and it reminded me how much I LOVE to read and how necessary it is to keep your mind moving.
  4. Travel to at least three states I’ve never been to. Particularly, I’d love to go to Austin, Chicago, Boston (I’ve been here though!), Seattle, and New Orleans. Omaha is a close 6th. šŸ™‚ After doing my fair share of international travel these past two years, I’d really love to experience more of the states.
  5. Let go of people that don’t bring me joy or make time for our relationship.
  6. Come to terms with life in the US. Re-settling after living abroad has been way more difficult than I expected or than it was when I first arrived. It’s hard dealing with expectations of how my life here was before I left and realizing how much things have changed, from relationships with friends and family to American culture in general. I want to work hard to feel comfortable and happy here again.
  7. Start taking self defense classes. I am fiercely independent, so it bothers me that I have to feel afraid while walking Monja at night. I just bought pepper spray, but what I really want to be able to do if someone ever tried to hurt me is kick their ass myself. 0:)
  8. Work on ideas for a book. I wrote down my dreams at the beginning of 2013 and put them in a jar. I looked at them recently and to my surprise, I managed to accomplish almost all of them! But one that I made no progress on whatsoever was writing a book. I’d love to give this more thought in 2014 and at least have some ideas drafted up.
  9. Open an IRA account.Ā I know, how boring right? But after starting my own business, being responsible just feels so good. Like, heroin good. I’ve never done heroin, but I’m sure starting an IRA account is the same feeling, no? By the way, I already did my taxes. I know, I’m insane.
  10. Try yoga.Ā I loathe exercising, but I actually think I’d kind of like yoga classes. We’ll see!
  11. Go Skydiving.Ā This has been on my wish list for years. I even had a ticket to go before I left for Japan, but the weather didn’t work out and I had to cancel. I feel like 2014 is going to be a freeing year for me and I can’t imagine an activity that will solidify that feeling any better. šŸ™‚

I might be missing some things, but this seems like a pretty good list. šŸ™‚ Have a wonderful weekend friends and an amazing 2014! WE GOT THIS!

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