Helllooooo my darlings! I’m excited to share an idea that’s been fizzing around in my head for some time now. I got the idea for this group after doing something extremely small, but kinda nice for someone and witnessing their outta this world AWESOME reaction. It didn’t just give me the warm fuzzies, it gave me the ON FIRE fuzzies. Isn’t it just amazing how great you can feel after helping someone out, even in the most nano-sized way possible? I also noticed some other things after this little tiny event — I felt more creative. Not only that — more confident, too. Basically, I felt like a big ol’ super hero, even though I had basically done zilch. But it meant something to someone and for that, it meant something to me too.
But enough with the intro, amiright? I want to tell you the point of this! That moment sparked something in me and helped me to realize that as bloggers, we have more influence than we think. Most of the time, we use this influence to share pictures of our dogs or get free stuff we probably don’t totally need. But what if we used our passion for building online communities to empower and strengthen the communities we actually live in?Ā And what if we did it together? How awesome would THAT be?
Now that I live in Southern California, I KNOW there are about a zillion other bloggers floating nearby. I also know that there are even MORE of you hanging out around the world. So what are we going to do with our bad selves?
We’re going to volunteer, raise money, and meet other awesome-sauce bloggers.
Can I get an amen? Because I’m, like, really excited right now. Can you tell. Because I am.
“Melyssa, I am SO down! But how in the world is this going to work?!”
I’m so glad you asked, blogger friend. First of all, if you live in Southern California, I started a Meetup GroupĀ where I’ll be sharing all of our upcoming SoCal, blogger-centric community service events. You can join right here!Ā Don’t live in Southern California? I got you covered!Ā I also created a Facebook Group for bloggers all over ze world! What’s the point of this group? It’s a place for you to meet other bloggers who want to give back — if we’ve learnedĀ anything from blogging, it’s probably that collaboration leads to the BEST opportunities and ideas. I have a feeling you’ll find some neat-o people to create powerful change with in this group! What else? It’s a place for you to publicize upcoming blogger-centric community service events that you’ve got planned in your area. It’s also a place where we can share organizations that make us smile and spread the L-O-V-E. Click here to join our Facebook Group, Bloggers Giving Back!
Basically, I just want to get us all together in a space, whether online or in-person, that is comfortable, filled with love, and driven by passion to create a positive change in the world. I have a feeling we can make this idea something worthwhile and I am so excited to get closer to you all in the process!
Not convinced? Here are a few reasons you might want to join:
- It will give you the opportunity to meet plenty of other like-minded bloggers both in your area and around the world. If anything, it will help you feel closer to the blogging community in a powerful, positive way.
- Sick of spending your Saturday mornings hung over on the couch? Not anymore! (Well, maybe sometimes…). Now, you’ll have the chance to meet other bloggers in your city who are there to organize fun, volunteer-centric events where you’ll not only be giving back to your community, but meeting other kickass people, too.
- Because volunteering makes you feel gooooooood. Like, really good. If you don’t believe me, then close your eyes and imagine yourself passing out PB&Js to people with no food or becoming BFFs with a shelter dog. It’s gonna feel good; you better believe it sista.
- Because almost everything in the Huffington Post’s “Good News” sectionĀ is based around volunteering and giving back. If that ain’t proof, then I don’t know what is.
- You’re in a blogging or personal rut. You still like blogging, but you need something to reinvigorate your passion for this little game.
- Because you want to make the world a damn good place.
- You’ve never been on a blate (blogger date), but you’re craving some blogger chit-chat and real-life friendship. You know that volunteering is the perfect way to make new blogger pals.
- You will feel more creative. This is a fact, proven by the Melyssa Department of True Facts. Volunteering opens your mind, helps you inch out of your comfort zone, and makes you feel like a superhero. How can you NOT feel creative and inspired after doing some community service?
- Because we can make this organization something worthwhile…fun events, lots of new pals, you name it!
- If nothing else, you’ll have some pretty nifty new stuff to blog about. Awwww yeah. Giggity.
“I’m down!! What now?”
- Join the Bloggers Giving Back Facebook group! Leave a comment with your blog URL so we can get to know you better!
- Join the SoCal Bloggers Volunteer Tribe Meetup group! RSVP to our first event on January 18th where we’ll be brainstorming and mingling! š
- Spread the word! Grab the button below and post that shiz on YOUR blog. Tell your blog buddies all about how you’re all going to change the world together. Or tweet this: I LOVE this idea about Bloggers Giving Back. I can’t wait to get my volunteer on w other bloggers! http://ctt.ec/lBb3I+ @nectarcollect
- Leave a comment letting me know what kind of volunteering you like or if there are any good groups you think we should focus on!
- Want to be an over-achiever? Email meĀ to learn more about becoming an organizer in YOUR city, where you will have the opportunity to create and plan bomb-diggity events for bloggers in your area.

Thanks for listening err’body! I hope you’re excited about this idea — there is SO much we can do as a blogging community to give back to the greater community of the world. I have faith that we’ll come up with creative, soul-enriching ideas and feel damn good implementing them. Have a beautiful day, friends!