
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

Grow, scale, and get the open book lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

My Story

Facts, numbers, behind the scenes, and income reports. I’m sharing it all!

Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why It’s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

Melyssa Griffin

It’s been awhile since we’ve really sat down to catch up, hasn’t it? A lot has been happening around here, so I want to fill you in on my personal life and how TNC is doing as a business. Y’know, like old pals who catch up over coffee (I’ll take a latte with almond milk!). Pull up a chair, friend. Let’s chat. 

Where to begin, where to BEGIN! Last time we caught up was about three months ago. At that time, I had just moved to LA and was making some big changes in my life. Now that I’ve lived here for about four months, living in Los Angeles feels pretty natural…and great! I really enjoy it here. I also love how health conscious LA is. There are TONS of healthy food options and most restaurants where I live have shifted to have lots of vegan/gluten-free options. It’s pretty awesome! I’ve also noticed that since moving to LA, I care more about what I put in my body. Maybe by some sort of LA-osmosis? Honestly, I didn’t really think about it before. But shortly after moving here, I gave up dairy. Then I began filling my cart with organic products. Now, Paul and I have decided to eat vegan on Fridays. Little by little, my diet improves, and that makes me feel good.

Speaking of which, I’m realizing that all great things are done little by little. Sometimes I have these BIG ideas and I feel guilty or lazy if I don’t execute them right away. The “little by little” mentality is something I need to remember more often.

Anyways, in short, I’m doing really well in my personal life. Paul and I are also celebrating our one-year anniversary and I feel SO very lucky that we met. I know it can be annoying when people gush about their partners, but give me 15 seconds, k? 😉 I’ve never had someone in my life who was so supportive of me and my goals and willing to help me with each step along the way. He’s sentimental and encouraging and kind-hearted and very selfless. Send some positive energy to Paul today, he really deserves it. <3

Now, as for TNC as a business? Well, 2015 has been good to us. Overwhelmingly good, at times. I’ve also had some lows, so I don’t want to mislead you into thinking everything is peachy perfect, but as a whole, this has been a huge year of growth + stability for us and it feels very pinch-me-exciting.

The other day, I was chatting with a potential client, when she started asking me about my blog. One thing she asked was, “how did you create such a successful blog and business in under two years?” First of all, thank you for saying that. Second of all, how in the heck do I respond to that in a way that doesn’t take six hours? The question caught me off guard, so I think I mustered up something generic and unhelpful and probably patronizing, like, “I worked really hard.” Bleh. Crappy answer. It’s true though, I did work hard, but I know that type of answer isn’t useful for people.

A better answer would have been something more like this: I respected my blog from the beginning. I never let myself be too afraid or embarrassed to put myself out there, even when I was cringing inside. I’ve posted consistently and often since I started. I researched my audience and tried to create content that would be crazy useful for them. I also invested in my blog way before it ever made me a cent. I still do, especially when I discover a product or program that I think could up-level my business or knowledge. Investing in my growth and success is HUGE to me. And perhaps most importantly, I really put an effort into connecting with other bloggers and building a community before building a business. I am social on social media and love responding to comments.

And of course, it all takes time. So if you’re doing all of the above and not seeing great results, then maybe you just need to give it a few more months. Little by little, right?

As for my design business, it grew organically. It started off as a blog post, in which I advertised my design services, and things grew as my blog and talent grew. If you look at some of my first designs, they are NOT good. They’re just…not. haha. But I think I’m a big believer in “starting before you’re ready,” and starting off as newb is the only reason I was able to learn so much over the past couple years. It was like I had this subconscious voice telling me, “Hey you kind of suck at this, but sucking at something is the first step toward being sorta good at something.” Actually, that quote is from Adventure Time, but you get the picture.

At this point, I actually want to extend my branches a little and take more of a step back from just doing web design. I love design — it’s been a passion of mine since middle school — but I also really like teaching and sharing the things I’ve learned with other people. That brings me SO much joy and I want to make it a bigger part of my business model and life. In my ideal mind, TNC would be a go-to place to learn and connect with bloggers and entrepreneurs in a really meaningful way. I’m working on a couple e-courses now (I feel like I’ve said that 900 times, but it’s happening, I promise!), and I can’t wait to release them. I think it’s the first step in the right direction for me. I also hope to get a physical studio space before 2016. I really want to host in-person workshops and events, too! I’m getting all excited just thinking about it. *heart eyes emoji*

Phew! I feel like I just unloaded a whole mess of things on you, but it’s nice to check in and catch up, isn’t it? OH! I also joined Snapchat recently (@nectarcollect), so we can catch up over there, too. I think it’s my new favorite platform because it’s a way for me to share my life and business “unfiltered,” if you know what I mean.

How are you? Tell me how you’ve been! I’d really love if you left a comment and filled me in on your life + biz. You mean a lot to me. Yes, you. <3


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