
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

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Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

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Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

I recently attended a meetup alongside some stellar creative entrepreneur-type ladies. We were going around answering the question, ā€œWhat are you working on right now?ā€ Of course, most of us rattled off all of the projects that weā€™ve had in our heads, our lofty dreams and schemes for our businesses. But one woman answered the question a bit differently: ā€œHonestly,ā€ she said, ā€œIā€™m just focusing on making my bed every morning.ā€

9 Ways to Feel Less Stressed as an Entrepreneur. | Love the work you're doing, but hate how drained and stressed and moody it can make you? These tips for reducing stress and practicing self care are perfect for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and business owners. You need this.

I loved this answer because, for me at least, it provided some much needed perspective on how out-of-whack my priorities can be sometimes. If youā€™re anything like me, then you know how easy it is to dismiss the simple needs of life by getting caught up in the thrill of pursuing your passions. In fact, some of us might even hold a certain romance for the idea of creative chaos. Messy desks, sleepless nights, skipped meals ā€“ in many ways we regard these types of stress as badges of honor.

But while disorder and stress are certainly an indicator of busyness, they’reĀ also the fastest track to total creative burnout. The reality is this: to create something worthwhile, you have to start by creating a sustainable life for yourself. In other words, those who make the biggest impact in this world are those who commit themselves to practicing self-care and reducing stress.

We all go through seasons of life where our basic needs seem to fall by the wayside. Still, no matter how busy, stressed, or successful you are, there is always room to give yourself the attention you deserve. Want to know what you can do to be kinder to yourself right now and feel less stressed? Start here:

Develop morning/nightly routines

If you have kids, you know what an epic event bedtime can be. It involves a specific order of operations: take bath, put on pajamas, brush hair, brush teeth, get in bed, tuck in, read story, big kiss, lights out. We provide this routine for kids because it gives them a sense of structure, making them feel safe. And the same is true for bigger kids (i.e. adults). Especially for those whose lives are on the unpredictable side, we need daily habits that we can depend on. Think about what you do when you wake up and what you do before you fall asleep. Are these structured events or do they regularly change? Find a routine that works for you, and commit to sticking to it.

Related: My Typical RoutineĀ as a Blogger + Business Owner

Donā€™t skimp on sleep

Have you ever left a computer running for way too long to the point where it just crashes? Well, despite some obvious physical differences, itā€™s important to remember that we are all basically computers. Without rest, we break down. And while weā€™ve often heard that sleep affects our productivity, recent studies also suggest that prolonged wakefulness threatens our innovation (that is,Ā our ability to create and come upĀ with brilliant new ideas). ThisĀ means that if you are cutting corners in your sleep cycle, you arenā€™t doing yourself OR your business any favors.

Related: 6 Things to Do During Downtime to Help You Fully Recharge

Keep necessities stocked

Shampoo, coffee, dish soap, granola, eye cream ā€“ whatever you need to feel like a human being, make sure you have it on hand. It sounds simple enough, but in the midst of a busy season, there is nothing worse than being without the essentials. If you tend to be particularly forgetful, try subscribing to your favorite items on Amazon to have them regularly delivered to your door. I mean, hello, you subscribe to podcasts and newsletters; maybe itā€™s time to subscribe to your preferredĀ brand of toilet paper.

Be kind to your body

When life is hectic, we tend to make decisions based on convenience. For many us, this leads to fast food dinners and missed workouts. But in times of stress, your body needs the good stuff more than ever. Be deliberate about getting those fruits, veggies, and proteins into your system. In fact, make healthy foods aĀ convenient option by stocking up every week on all of your favorites. Canā€™t make it to the grocery store? Sites such as Blue Apron will deliver the ingredients forĀ wholesomeĀ and delicious meals right to your door.

Related: 6 Healthy Living Tips for Busy People


Your office, your studio, your garage, your email inbox ā€“ whatever space in your life is causing you stress, now is the time clear it out. These mess-riddled areas are basically physicalĀ metaphors for your frazzled brain, so trust me, you will feel so much better once they areĀ organized.

Related: The One Minute Rule: How to Declutter Your Life in 60 Seconds

Have an outlet

If you are building a business, you are in the fortunate position of getting to do the thing you love. All. The. Time. Yay! But sometimes this can be a challenge, especially if the thing you love was once your go-to hobby. Now your hobby is work and work is your hobby and itā€™s all very confusing. That being said, find something that helps you decompress, something totally separate from your daily grind. For me, I love to go on walks and explore new places in my neighborhood.


This is one of the quickest, easiest things you can do to care for yourself. Focused abdominal breathing not only relaxes your overworked mind, but the increased oxygen improves your energy and focus which, of course, means better ideas and decisions all around. For some help in this department, try a guided breathing app such as Breathe2Relax.

Related: 5 Ways to Feel Better Today (Plus our fav breathing exercise!)

Schedule everything

All of the aforementioned ideasĀ ā€“ your morning routine, exercise, hobbies, even breathing ā€“ write these items down in your planner.Ā Treat themĀ with the same level of importance that youĀ would a business meeting. Carve out actual time in your day for these activities and resist theĀ urge to replace them withĀ work. You will want to, I promise.

Related: 5 Ways to Keep Your Blog Life Organized

Macro-Dream, Micro-Accomplish

Your ambitions should be big, so big that they scare you a little. But your small daily accomplishments ā€“ things like making your bed, completing a workout, clearing out your inbox, cooking yourself dinner ā€“ these are the things that will help you tackle your dreams with confidence. Take care of yourself by remembering that the little things you do today are just as vitalĀ as the big things you will do tomorrow.

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How do you reduce stress as an entrepreneur?


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