
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


Business Growth

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Personal Growth

Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

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Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

One of my favorite things to do when I’ve hit a creative slump is listen to podcasts. I really started getting into them towards the end of last year, and since then I’ve found a handful that keep me both inspired and informed. It’s incredibly rewarding to pop your headphones on, go for a walk and listen to others talk about blogging and creativity. Today I’m sharing five can’t-miss podcastsĀ for bloggers, designers, and creatives.

1. Elise Gets Crafty

Elise Gets Crafty, hosted by Elise Blaha of elisejoy.com, focuses on discussing anything from blogging and creativity to motivation and small business. Each week, she has a new guest on her show, from business owners to authors (and everything in between). This podcast really feels like you’re listening in on other people’s phone conversations. It’s very fun and candid, and I always come away with really valuable information about email newsletters, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.

Don’t miss episode 016/Thinking Productively About Your Passions

2. The Lively Show

The Lively Show is hosted by Jess of jesslively.com. This is definitely my favorite podcast! Topics includeĀ blogging, personal growth and development, wellness, relationships, and careers. This podcast has the most variety in guests, and I’ve found some incredibly inspiring people through this show. One of my favorite things about The Lively Show is how well thought-out all of the questions are. Jess doesn’t just ask how they made “x” happen, she really digs in and finds out what it took for them to get to “x,” how they feel about “x,” and what they plan on doing after “x.” She does her research on her guests and gets so much information out of them, which, as a listener, I personally appreciate!

Don’t miss episode #44/The Art of Relaxation & Creativity with Jen Gotch (Ban.D0)

3. After The Jump

After The Jump is hosted by Grace Bonney of designsponge.com. Grace interviews a large variety of people in the creative community, from designers to store owners. She digs deep into her guests day-to-day lives and challenges, as well as business strategies and creative routines. I absolutely love how bold the host and the guests are with their discussions, reassuring other creatives that their feelings and struggles are 100% okay and normal. This is truly a can’t-miss show, particularly for anyone in the design business.

Don’t miss episode #99/Changing Pay Rates for Creatives

4. How They Blog Podcast

How They Blog Podcast is specifically designed for all types of bloggers. Every show, Kat Lee from howtheyblog.com picks apart the brain of a successful blogger. They discuss blogging tips and tricks, how to achieve success, how to get over mental blocks, tips for taking blogging breaks, and much, much more! A lot of the guests on the show are bloggers who I personally admire, so it’s great to get to hear directly from them about their blog and their creative success. I also find that all of the episodes are very specific, so if you have a question about anything, simply scroll through the list of shows and find what suits your needs. I truly feel there’s something there for everyone!

Don’t miss episode #17/How to Change the World With your Blog

5. Kate’s Take: The Entrepreneur On Fire Audio Blog

The Entrepreneur on Fire podcast gives a behind-the-scenes look at how 2 entrepreneurs run a 7-figure business. Twice a week, they discuss in great detail which steps you can take to help you start creating, growing and monetizing your business. This podcast is perfect for those who run their own shops or businesses, and even those who are simply toying with the idea of starting their own business someday!

Don’t miss episode #73/How to Ditch Overwhelm and Create Organization and Consistency in your business (5 steps)

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? What are some of your favorites?


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