
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

In the words of Drake, “email lists are goin’ from 0 to 100, blogga, real quick.” Actually Drake, email lists and newsletters have been around for years, but now that they’re gaining even more popularity, it seems like everyone wants to start one, but no one knowsĀ why they should start one. Today, we’re uncovering why exactly you should start building an email list, which program we use to send ours, andĀ the one type of person who probably doesn’t need an email list at all.

Why You Should Start Building an Email List. | Keep hearing that you should build an email list/start a newsletter, but don't know why? We're giving you the lowdown about why email lists are the BEST.

While email lists may be common, it’s not always clearĀ why tons of bloggers and businesses have adoptedĀ this additionalĀ task. Feeling clueless? Not sure whether you should start one of your own? Here are a few reasons why you should totally start building anĀ email list, and one reason why you shouldn’t.

1.Ā Aside from your website, it’s the only thing you have control over.

In my opinion, social media is absolutely essential to growing a profitable and engaged blog or business. It connects you to your audience, allows you to share relatableĀ pieces of your life, and drives traffic back to your site. But it does have one big flaw:

You can’t control it.Ā 

You don’t own Instagram or Pinterest or any of the other social media sites that you’ve spent so much time growing.Ā They could easily flip a switch andĀ change everything. In fact, not too long ago, the algorithm for Facebook pages changed,Ā forcing you to pay to promote your posts if you want more than a handful of your community to see your updates. Ouch. But hey, you don’t own Facebook. Facebook does.

Luckily, you do control your email newsletter. It’s all yours, baby.Ā So, even if tomorrow, Pinterest changes their site so that only three people ever see your pins again, you’ll still have an email list full of dedicated followers who are there to open your emails and read your most important updates.

Related: 4 Key Systems to Help You Streamline Your Blog

2. Email subscribers are more likely to be product buyers.

Do you ever intend to sell products or services on your website? Then youĀ need an email list. Think of it this way: a person’s email inbox is sacred. If they allow you to send them emails, then they’re essentially inviting you into their virtual home. People hate getting useless spam in their inbox, but they’re willing to scroll through an Instagram feed full of photos from acquaintances they’ve talked to twice in their life. Bottom line? Most people are less picky about who they “follow” on social media vs. who they subscribe to via email.

So, if someone subscribed to your email list? They dig you and they mean business. They’re not just a casual “follow4follow” account on Twitter. They’re real. They’re engaged. And they might just want whatever it is that you’re selling. In fact, last month, I mentioned my blog coaching services in an email to my subscribers. I rarely try to sell anything to my subscribers and the mention of my services was at the bottom of the email. But that minor mention of my offerings resulted in several new clients and $2,500 in income.

For those reasons, it’s incredibly important to take care of your email subscribers. Not only are they going to be your most engaged blog readers, but they’ll also be your most loyal customers. This is your tribe. And your email listĀ is their headquarters.

Related: Why You Should Give Away Free Content If You Want to Sell Digital Products

3. It’s the easiest way to keep in touch.

Lastly, an email is the easiest way to share big announcements and keep in touch. Not everyone will check your Instagram or blog everyday unless they are absolutelyĀ crazyĀ about your site. But what will they do? Well, they’ll probably check their email everyday. So, if you have something important to share, and want to be sure that your audience receives it, then an email list is an excellent medium to keep in touch.

So, who shouldn’t create an email list?

Personally, I think most bloggers and business owners should be trying to grow their email list, but there is one exception. If you don’t ever intend to sell products or services of any kind, then you probably don’t need an email list.

We use MailchimpĀ for our email newsletters. How about you?

Do you have any questions about building your email list? Do you have an email list of your own? I’d love to hear your feedback!

p.s. You can subscribe to our newsletter right here. We share weekly lessonsĀ and freebies for bloggers and entrepreneurs. Plus, subscribing gives you access to our secret library of e-books and worksheets.Ā  <3


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