
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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Because the best way to grow your business is from the inside out.

You know, just the stuff from me to you.

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Case Studies




How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth


Being happy isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Sometimes it comes naturally, like when you’re kicking back with a friend and realize how perfectly content you are in that moment, but other times it takes a bit of work. Life throws so many curve balls at us, and we often get caught up in all the difficulties it brings. That’s why it’s helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve to give yourself that extra boost of happiness you deserve.Ā Check out these 15 tips to bring a jolt of happiness into your year.

Ā Celebrate your victories

Too often we set goals for ourselves and by the time we reach them weā€™re already racing toward the next milestone. Itā€™s good to stay ambitious but equally important to celebrate your achievements when you reach them. Whether theyā€™re personal or professional, be proud of what youā€™ve accomplished. Let your friends and family know that youā€™re kicking butt so they can celebrate with you, too! So, take a moment and reflectĀ — what have you accomplished recently?

Practice mindfulness

The years always seem to zip by, but a good way to slow down timeĀ is by staying mindful and being present in the moment. This doesnā€™t have to be aboutĀ new age mantras and meditation, but could be as simple as putting down your devices and going for a long walk. What can you do to be more “here,” now?

Plan a trip

The anticipation and excitement that comes with planning a trip is almost as good as travel itself.Ā  Even if you donā€™t have the time or money to go anytime soon, planning details like accommodation and activities can give you the motivation to start saving!

Take a class for that thing youā€™ve always wanted to know how to do

We all have something weā€™ve been dying to learn, fromĀ learning how to knit toĀ salsa dancing. Youā€™ll never know unless you give yourself a chance to learn. Sign up for a class and maybe youā€™ll discover your new passion! You can usually findĀ classes at a local community college, on GroupOn, or through your city’s recreation center.

Have a ā€œYouā€ Day

Often times, days that are supposed to be about us (birthdays, Valentineā€™s day, etc) end up being more about planning events and making other people happy. Pick a completely random day and do whatever the hell you want. Buy yourself flowers, schedule a massage, spend the whole day in your PJs eating an entire tub of Nutella. Treat yoā€™self!


Okay, volunteering tends to conjure up images of community service hours spent wearing fluorescent vests and picking up litter by the side of the highway. But volunteering can actually be really fun and make you feel good deep down inside. Choose something you love (animals, kids, the environment, etc) and figure out how your skills can best be used for good. Doing something youā€™re good at while helping someone in need is basically the best combination ever.

Be Okay With Having Off Days

Some days are just going to be rotten and no matter how hard we fight it, we just feel “off.” Accept that these days are going to happen once in a while and theyā€™ll just make tomorrow feel even brighter!

Invest in a social project

Check out some of the amazing projects on sites like Kickstarter or Kiva.Ā  You can contribute as much or as little as you like. Itā€™s neatĀ to watch your investment evolve into something amazing, knowing you played a part.

Eat more ice cream

Because thatā€™s always a good idea. šŸ˜‰

Allow yourself to be creative

Remember when you were a kid and you drew pictures, wrote stories and made up dances without inhibition? At some point our inner critics set in and we realized that even though we love drawing, maybe weā€™re not that good at it and our creative projects getĀ pushed out by work and other responsibilities. Well, dust off your colored pencils, whip out your notebook and put on your dancing shoes! Allotting yourself time to get creative and be artistic without judgment is good for the soul.


…Even if you have a terrible voice (I promise, you canā€™t be worse than me). Sing while youā€™re doing the dishes, sing in the shower, and definitely belt it out while youā€™re in the car.Ā Let this man be your inspiration.

Order something different

Next time youā€™re out to eat, choose something you would usually never pick. After all, variety is the spice of life!

Say Yes

Spend the whole day saying ā€œyesā€ to whatever comes up. Itā€™s easy to keep your head down and stick to your daily routine, but you never know what opportunities you may be missing. Say yes to taking on a new project at work, say yes to happy hour drinks that you normally skip and say yes to extra whip cream on your sundae (you should be doing this everyday, actually).


Figure out whatever it is thatĀ gives you a good belly laugh. Whether it’s spending time with your silliest friends or watching Bridesmaids for the twelfth time, indulge in the things that bring you joy and humor.

Find a way to be actively grateful

Whether it’s participating in “100 Happy Days” on social media (where you post one thing you’re grateful for everyday) or simply reminding yourself to say thank you more. Being grateful is like swallowing a big happy pill, it just makes you feel good.

What tips do you have for having the happiest year possible?


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