
We offer coaching programs designed to help you reconnect to your inner truth, self expression, and personal alignment as the pathway to a life of flow and freedom.

Hi, I'm Melyssa!


Founder of Future Current


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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why Itā€™s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

Cute Apartment Decor!

I’ve been talking about updating my office recently, and while it’s definitely not yet complete, I did get the chance to add some new additions that I think make a pretty sweet impact.

Now, before I share with you about these two new pieces, I need to tell you that I have a slight addiction. To tables. I live in a normal-sized one-bedroom apartment and have six (6!) tables co-habitating with me. Please try to imagine that. It’s bananas I tell ya. As a moving-in present, my dad offered to buy me a little somethin’ somethin’ to spice up my new digs — a TV, he suggested. Instead, I asked for a dining table, because in addition to being the #crazydoglady, I also like to be the #crazytablelady. You know how it is.

I ordered my new pieces from Sauder and this is what they looked like when I got them:

Cute Apartment Decor!

Despite the hot mess that was my living room, they were actually pretty easy and quick to put together. The instruction manuals that came included were so detailed that I pretty much couldn’t screw anything up. I also got to use my drill, and any occasion where I get to use a drill feels like Disneyland for adults. I could seriously drill things all day long.

Anyways, first up, I got this coffee table, which I decided to turn into a little floor-pillow clad work station, since I don’t yet own a couch. I sit at my regular desk for 8+ hours a day, so having a new area where I can chill and do some work is totally awesome. I also dig the marble top to this table, to give it a little something different.

Cute Apartment Decor!

Cute Apartment Decor!

The other table I received was this handy little side table, which I paired next to my desk. Prior to this side table, I had a hideous set of open drawers where I kept my craft supplies (which will soon be relocated to a closet). I was surprised how much this table added to my office space. I think it really “classies” up the whole area and also gives me some cuter looking storage space. I’m always down for storage since I own about a zillion (more or less) useless things.

Cute Apartment Decor!

Though it was my first experience on Sauder’s site, I really liked how they laid everything out because you could search by collection, room, or product. There was also a style quiz on their site, which I obviously took because I love personality quizzes, even from furniture companies.

Cute Apartment Decor!

All in all, I’m pretty stoked about these little updates! They definitely feel like “me” and gave me that little jolt of inspiration I needed to redo the rest of my office (and living room). More to come! Have a great one, everybody. šŸ™‚

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Sauder. The opinions and text are all mine.

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