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How Your Money Mindset is Sabotaging Your Business (And How to Fix It)

How to Let Go of the Status Quo to Live the Life You Were Meant For


Your Dream Life is on the Other Side of Your Scarcity Mindset


Why It’s So Damn Important to Heal Your Relationship With Money

Personal Growth

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Have you ever come across somebody whose work just speaks to you on a soul level? You feel like everything they say and teach just resonates with you. 

That’s what happened for me when I found the work of Jasmine from Moondust Our Mother. An energy healer and Human Design expert, Jasmine works with leaders, influencers, and individuals through the lens of Human Design in business to support them in allowing their soul’s vision and true identity to shine through, so they can return back to their most authentic state of being.

If you’re wondering what Human Design is all about, you’re going to learn just that in today’s episode as well as how to use this great tool as an entrepreneur in your business.

Image of Melyssa Griffin with a color and text overlay showing the title of the blog post and podcast episode: How to Use Human Design as an Entrepreneur. The URL melyssagriffin.com is displayed at the bottom of the image.

In our conversation, Jasmine fuses spirituality, Human Design, and abundance (which all happen to be some of my favorite things to discuss!) to get you started on understanding your own Human Design chart and how knowing your type can benefit you in business.

Human Design really gives you a lot of information and understanding about the depth of who someone is and how they operate in the world. It’s the permission slip that allows us to fall back into that knowing of who we deeply are before anyone told us to be anything other than ourselves. I’ve personally used it to help me understand myself and my team and it’s such a great tool for entrepreneurs. 

If you haven’t gotten your Human Design chart yet, I recommend starting there (there are a few links for you below) and I’m going to be going more in-depth on this topic next week in my solo episode. But today, you’ll get to learn the foundations from Jasmine as well as her thoughts on abundance, money, “hustle” and a whole lot more!

Let’s dive in!

Listen to the episode below:

This episode discusses topics like…

  • What Human Design is all about
  • An overview of the different “types” and how they allow you to show up as an entrepreneur
  • The reason that Reflectors are a rare 1% of the population
  • How to start defining “abundance” – and the ways to manifest it
  • The importance of desires and divine guidance in your life

After dozens of episodes and tons of inspiring conversations, the Limitless Life™ podcast is full of incredible examples of impactful people choosing to leave the status quo behind and step into their most limitless self. As a “thank you” for being part of this community, I’ve put together 10 of the BEST lessons guests have shared in a handy dandy guide. Click the image below to download yours for free.

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I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode. Have you discovered your Human Design type? How can you use that knowledge to step into your true purpose?

Thank you SO much for being here, sweet friend. I’m honored to walk this journey with you. See you in the next episode!


Read the Episode Transcript Here

Hey, Jasmine, welcome to the show.

Hi, thank you so much for having me.

So excited to have you. I actually want to start with something that you’ve said before. I read this on your Instagram today. And it was just so beautifully said that I think it’d be a great place for us to start this conversation. So, you said “Your natural state is abundance. Well, let that sink in. We were born this way. I am abundance. You are abundance. It’s not something we seek to find. It’s a state of being that we are and not because of anything we’ve done, but by simply being a divine expression of all there is.”

Sometimes I’m like, “I wrote that?”

Right? Yeah, I just that resonated so much with me when I read it. So many things about it. I would love to unpack that with you.

Yeah, I mean, first and foremost, I, you know, one of the things that I teach often and I say a lot is that, “People are always asking for abundance.” They want to call in abundance and something kind of happened in the 80s with the New Age type of thing where the word “money” was replaced with abundance, because of the guilt and the shame around the word “money.” And so we as humans kind of created another word to become synonymous or to have this connotative meaning with money. But the thing is that abundance simply means a multiplier of something. So when everyone is asking for money, “Oh, I really want abundance. I want abundance. I want abundance. I want abundance.” And they’re not really asking for money, and then they get really mad that why isn’t my money coming? Because you’re asking for a multiplier of something. You aren’t asking for the tangible lifeforce energy of money. You’re just saying, “I want abundance.” Well, there’s abundance everywhere you look. There’s an abundance of air. There’s an abundance of leaves. There’s An abundance of cars, of highways, of trucks, of trash, of love, of hate, of all these things wrapped up in one – there is an abundant there’s a multiplier of those things. But if you want money, you got to say I want money. You have to be unafraid to say the things that you want. And then from that point, that’s where we tap into understanding the shame and the guilt around desires. That’s like the deeper shadow, collectively is that, you know, we’ve been made to feel like our desires are nasty. Even the word desires is like a sinful word. It’s a bad word. It’s the root of all evil. And we came here to want, we came here to expand, we came here to consume, we came here to create. And there’s nothing sinful about the desires of that. When we step into our self sovereignty and our dominion over those things, then you can manifest money, you can manifest cars, you can manifest a successful business, you can manifest a partner. When I say manifest, I’m just saying you’re just calling it into you into this 3D form. It’s not like magic, right? I think, you know, again, the word manifestation is now synonymous with magician or magic. And again, that’s not at all what it means. It just is kind of calling you forth in this power of your divinity to co-create with the bigger universe. So that abundance thing is really something that I think really trips us up. We think that maybe if we’re nicer when we ask, then maybe we’ll get the things so we try to use all the nice and cozy soft words for the things that we want, you know, constantly skirting around the desire, the true desire, and God wants us to step into that dominion, that sovereignty to be like, Who are you? Who is your power, what is your power, ask for the thing that you want, and then know that you are here to receive it without doing anything. Like there’s nothing that you have to do?

Mm hmm, without doing anything. I think that part will be the hardest one for a lot of our listeners to fully lean into.

It is a hard one. Because you know, when I say that when I say don’t do anything, the mind goes to a depiction of you may be sitting on the couch and binging out on Netflix for like 12 hours, right? But when I say don’t do anything, I mean that we have kind of created this very dense, patriarchal system around what it means to be a doer. And then if we tap into human design a little bit for this, for the sake of this example, 9% of the billions of population that’s on this planet right now are manifestors. Only 9%. Only 9% of people are meant to go out and make things happen. The rest of us are here to really receive this energy, be invited into this energy, sample this energy. So that’s about like 89% or something. That’s a lot of us. Meanwhile, all of us are being trained if you want to, you know, have a successful business, go out and make it happen, go out and do the thing. And there’s nothing wrong with doing the thing. Because all of that was rooted in that sacred masculine energy anyway. But it becomes a problem when that’s the only energy that you use.

Right. Right. And it makes me think, too about, I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately of just capitalism in general, and how that that whole system and structure makes us feel like our worth and how we create things has to be about output and hustle, when really there’s this whole other way of creating what it is that we want. That’s not built on the type of system.

Absolutely, and it’s that divine feminine that’s not built on that. And if we want to kind of deconstruct this capitalistic mindset, we’re going to have to really lean into and accept the divinity and sacredness of That feminine energy, which is a place not many of us want to go. We oftentimes think that that maybe means that we’re sensitive or we’re crying or it’s this very, like soft and passive type of energy. But it’s not at all. Divine feminine is the void. It’s the mystery. It’s the unseen. It’s the thing that makes you pee your pants, you know, it’s scary, right? I think it’s scarier than divine masculine energy because at least divine masculine energy you can see with your eyes, you kind of know what to expect. And divine feminine energy is this very womb like dark, mysterious space that you know has something very magical for you, but do you dare go into it like, are you courageous enough to go into it? And so when we talk about types and Human Design, and we specifically talk about generators and manifesting generators which are 70% of the population, these people have this field where they’re really meant to magnetize things to them. They’re not meant to go out and get things. They’re meant to really be almost like this kind of couch potato and just co-create with the universe. Maybe it’s a journaling, maybe it’s a meditation, maybe it’s, you know, talking out loud or just saying, “Oh, I would really love to do this thing. It really lights me up. It really makes me excited to do this thing.” When you feel that much emotion around it the universe is like, “Oh, she wants to do that thing. Okay, let me go ahead and send her some little signs, conversations.” You hear something on the radio, you see something on Instagram, like, that’s the magic of that not doing-ness. But actually the thing that’s propelling you forward.

Right, right. And you’re not trying to control anything, you’re just trying to flow with what’s coming to you, what’s already there. The words that came to me when you were talking about the Divine Feminine is “trust” and “surrender,” just, you’re not here to manipulate anything. You’re just here to trust what’s unfolding. The mystery.

Yes, one of the most profound kind of realizations that I had after four days of an intense breathwork workshop was, can you just receive the things that have already been created for you? As in there’s nothing for you to create, like you did not come here to create anything.

Wow, wow.

But everything has already been created because Earth knew you were coming. So it got ready the same way that, when we’re having babies, like we get ready. We’re not just, you know, here’s the due date, no bed, no diapers, no nothing. We took nine months, you know, sometimes even longer, getting mentally prepared, getting spiritually prepared, getting physically prepared. Do you think that Earth would not do the same thing knowing that you were going to come? Would it not have created all of the things that you already needed for this lifetime that you’re here? Or do you think that you would have to come in an infant type of energy and then create it yourself? We don’t do that to our kids. So why would the universe do that to us?

Wow. That’s really beautiful. And then it’s really just about receiving.

Yes. Which is the lesson. That’s the game.

Right. Which is so interesting because I feel like most people have such a difficulty with receiving.

Absolutely, absolutely. We have such a difficulty with receiving because we married our worth with receptivity. And we’re always being told, you know, charge your worth. Which is like the biggest slap in the face because it’s like, what do you mean charge my worth? So if I’m charging too low, does that mean I’m I don’t think that I’m worthy. If I’m charging too high, does that think that I am worthy? No, you’re worthy because you are. Period. There isn’t a certain amount of money that could ever portray your worthiness. And so that’s why when I teach pricing I never talk about worth. I say worth and money do not touch. They’re not allowed to even a wave of each other. My worth is my identity. And the money that I make is this tangible form of energy that I can use on this 3d plane. And so when I price things, it’s, “What is the equal energy exchange? What is it going to take for me to show up? What is it gonna take for me to create this thing? What bills do I have to pay to make sure that I have my sound focus only on the thing that I’m doing?” That has nothing to do with my worth.

Right. I really like that distinction. Because Yeah, I think our self worth and our net worth, it’s so intertwined. We think that that’s where we pull our worthiness from, especially entrepreneurs. I feel like when your business grows, you feel worthy. And when you’re having a bad month, you’re like, “Well, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m just not good enough.” I want to go back to what you were saying earlier about desire, because I feel like that’s so wrapped up in this whole conversation, too, of our fear and our almost estrangement from allowing our desires and having a lot of shame around it.

Mm hmm.

How do you feel like that plays into this conversation about money?

Yeah, I mean, if we trace it back to, you know, the part where we’re talking about that divine feminine receptivity, energy, desires has always, you know, been synonymous with almost like a sexual desire, right? It’s never, that my desire is to be a conduit of divine guidance. No one ever says that. We don’t we don’t use desire in that way. And it’s really detrimental to the word and to the meaning behind it because desire is a very strong emotion, and emotions, energy in motion is actually what, it’s what allows us to manifest. It’s the ability for us to connect so deeply with the thing that we want. And that denial of self is learned. It’s not inherent. It’s not our natural state because when our kids cry for food, and they’re desiring because they’re hungry, we don’t tell them stop desiring food, you’re not hungry. Our natural inclination is to desire, it’s to consume. It’s, I always think of it like we’re explorers, we’re here to explore things, we’re here to, to kind of like send up data back to the universe. What does it mean to be a Black woman in this 2020 at this age, doing this work talking on this podcast right now. That’s information that I’m sending up back to the universe, because there will never be another time and space where you will be exactly you right now. Ever, and yet we are so afraid to move in all of the directions that that title is holding us to, right. We’re here to either be exploring what it feels like to be a mom, a dad, a wife, a caretaker, a doctor, a lawyer, an activist, you know, whatever the role is, and only you can do it the way that you can do it. Because you’re meant to come here, explore an adventure, and then send that data back up to the universe, because it’s like one super conscious mind, right? And that’s the way that we learn how things work. That’s how we innovate. That’s how we create. That’s how we invent by knowing all the things that maybe didn’t work before. And gaining inspiration on things that have worked, piecing them together in different ways and creating something new. That’s the co-creation. So we all have to be brave enough to just be ourselves. Because ourselves is what is creating this infinite amount of data and information for the evolution of humanity. But when we’re all trying to do the same things, then no new data is created. You know, it’s like, I’m just gonna do my sales strategy like this. And I’m just gonna run my business like that person. And it’s like, Why? Why would you do that? When we are waiting collectively for new information that only you can bring? So the desire is really rooted in this denial of self. We’re denying ourselves when we don’t desire things.

Hmm. Right, because our desires are coming from that very core part of who we are.


Yes. I was just having a conversation kind of similar to this with a friend recently. We were saying how a lot of people feel like there’s not enough space for them, like their industry is too saturated. There’s not, there’s not room. And what we were saying is there’s room for everybody. But when you’re living from your authenticity, when you’re trying to be like everybody else, that’s when it feels saturated, because there’s so much overlap and there’s no differentiation, but when you’re being your fullest authenticity, then there can’t not be room for you.

Exactly, exactly. And I love that you said, differentiation. Because human design is actually the science of differentiation, that’s actually what it is. It’s meant to have us realize just how unique we each are. And if you can align yourself with the strengths, and you know, the distraction parts of you, which ultimately lead to you gaining more strength within yourself, you can go into a completely saturated market and be a star, because you are leveraging who you are. But that’s also the scariest part about being human. That fear of rejection. That fear of being ostracized from community for being so different, you know, from being so out of the norm. But can that just be a challenge? Can the challenge be that we are so different and yet we are all the same? Can those two ideologies both exist, right? They don’t have to clash You know, and I think that’s the biggest lesson that we’re all learning right now during this time.

That’s really beautiful advice for anyone who’s feeling like well, if I’m too me, then I’m going to be too different. It’s like, well, if you just remember that actually, everyone is one, we are all the same in some way, then you can’t be too different because you are all that there is and so is everybody else. And so, yeah, it brings a lot of peace and freedom.

Yes, peace and freedom. That’s exactly it. And I will acknowledge that there is a transition phase, you know, like, it’s not just like you have this thought of, Oh, yes, I’m gonna step out and be completely me. And then tomorrow is just gonna be, “Yep. I’, me and that’s it.” You could totally have that. You know, there are people that that it definitely does happen to you but, but I will say that there is a transition phase where you might be too much, you know, quote, I’m quoting you might be too much for your friends and family. Because you’re expanding, and maybe those friends and family need boundaries, and maybe those boundaries become, you know, creating space between you and them. And it’s getting you ready to receive your soul family or people that do want you to be so bright and so much because that inspires and expands them. So there will be this period of kind of growing pains as you return back home to yourself, because you’ve denied yourself for so long for this external safety. And now you are developing this internal safety that’s not really based on anyone else. And that, in a sense, is rejecting those people and those people feel rejected, right, but they have to do their own work to know that the rejection is not personal. It’s just an expansion for you. And hopefully, it’s triggering them in the best way to expand into themselves.

Mm hmm. Right. I appreciate you saying that about the transition time because I think it can be really scary and think like Am I doing it wrong? It was easier when I was when I was living the other way. And maybe I should just go back to living that way instead of leaning into my authenticity. So yeah, I think for me, I mean, it’ll be, I feel a lifelong journey. But it took me probably a few years to really feel stable in leaning into myself. So, yeah, it’s take time and I’m sure time, less or more, but yeah, there’s a transition for sure.


I want to talk a little about human design, too. I know you’ve hinted at it. So I did a survey of my Instagram followers recently and about half said that they’re familiar with human design, and they use it and the other half said, What’s that? So…


Yeah. So for the what’s that crew? How can we like simplify what human design is?

Yeah, you know, it’s funny cuz I live in such a bubble sometimes, you know, yeah. And then when I come out of the bubble, Like, oh yeah, yes, the world does not know what I do. So I’m excited to share this with you if this is your first time hearing, you know what human design is. Essentially, it’s a Natal type system very similar to astrology. And it’s essentially the synthesis of many different ancient wisdoms and modern wisdom being a kind of thing. And so what you do is you put in your date of birth, time of birth place of birth, you can put this in any kind of human design chart website if you just Google human design chart, I’m sure Jovian Archive will come up. Mybodygraph.com will come up. I think Human Design of America is one of them. You can use anyone that you feel kind of called to. And so you put all your information in there and then a chart will come up that kind of resembles a body triangle with shapes and numbers and lines and colors and tons of information and essentially what’s happening is that this is a snapshot of the energetics of the time, date and place you were born. And this is giving you so much innate information about how to yield the energetics that you came here with. But also we have to remember that that snapshot is the day you were born. And you are, how old now? And how many experiences down the line and how many things have happened and how many interactions Have you had. So it’s the snapshot of your chart, but it’s also you have to remember your life, your life, all the conditioning, all the trauma, all the pain, all the joys all the you know, everything, all the pleasures are going also into this chart. So I never want anyone to look at their chart and just be like, Well, that doesn’t kind of sound like me. Well, yeah, you’ve lived life since that point and that life that conditioning around it has kind of changed the chart in in a way, but the whole point of Human Design and the reason why I love it so much is because it Just writes permission slips for us. It just allows us to just fall back into that knowing of who we deeply are before anyone told us to be anything other than ourselves.

And, I mean, you can use it obviously in your business, in your relationships, to support your kids. I know some caretakers and parents are homeschooling this year. And it is just an endless well of wisdom, not only just from what has been channeled by Rottler who is the man that had this divine experience that brought it together, so the story says, but also you know, it’s inviting you to dive deeper into your own wisdom and not just rely on what someone else has said about you. And if anyone is familiar with human design I’m a Generator Sacral Authority 3/5 profile. And so the third line in my profile is very experimental with life and I I did not know What that meant when I was younger and failing, failing at things and trying things and failing at them and trying things and failing at them. And I just basically thought to myself, because I’m a recovering perfectionist because of that shame and guilt of failure all along. I did not even realize that, oh my gosh, this is my life. This is what I’m supposed to be doing, this trialing and erroring is this seed that was planted deep within me to become an innovator to become an inventor to create something to succeed where others just kind of be like, Oh, I’m done with that, that trialing in me is like, no, I got to get it just right. I want to keep on going. I want to keep on doing the thing. It wasn’t until I found Human Design and the language behind that, that I exalted my failures. And I was like, Oh, I wasn’t failing. I was just making sure that all those things for sure didn’t work. So now I can tell people don’t do that, because that didn’t work. You know, and it was just So freeing for me, it was just so revelatory, it was just this place of just a deep exhale. Like, there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m actually on the right path. I’m actually on the path that is correct for me. And so at any point, you know, if anyone is feeling like, lost in their business or their relationship, or there’s a communication breakdown, from what I’ve seen, it was always 100% figured out with human design. People have come to me, I don’t know my purpose. I want to find my purpose. I want to make more money, I want to have a closer relationship with my partner. First thing I say is let’s pull up their chart because there are things in there that will just click it will just make sense. It will click something within you. It will just allow you to return back home to self. And you know, I think everyone’s pretty much familiar with astrology at this point. And this is like astrology times 10.

Right. Yeah, I used it with my team. And my previous partner that I had, and yeah, like you’re saying, it just really gives you a lot of information and understanding about the depth of who someone is how they operate in the world and how you can approach yourself and approach others in a way that honors who they aren’t who you are. Yeah, and I have a three in my profile too. And I’ve definitely had the same experience of being like the ultimate experimenter in life, just like throwing spaghetti at the wall constantly.


Yeah. So when I looked back in retrospect, I was like, Yes. All right. That makes sense. There we go.

Yes, totally. What’s your type?

I’m a projector.

Oh, beautiful. And then what’s your profile?

Is that the numbers?

Yeah, that’s the numbers.


3/6. Okay. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, I mean, that’s lots of trialing. Because in Human Design, the sixth line for the first 30 years is a third line. So you know, that’s a Three, three.

So I’ve heard. Yep, makes sense.


Hey, limitless listener. We’ll get back to the show in just a moment. But I wanted to take 20 seconds to invite you to the free at home digital retreat that I created just for you. It’s called limitless entrepreneur and it’s all about helping you to create an abundant, fearless mindset, all while growing your online business. You want to join just visit limitlessentrepreneurretreat.com to register. It’s totally free. That’s limitlessentrepreneurretreat.com. Alright, friend back to the show.

So can you give us a little overview of the different types that there are and how that would play into how somebody shows up as an entrepreneur?

Yeah, for sure. Okay, so let’s start with manifestors and manifestors are about 9% of our population, like I mentioned earlier. And so their auric field is very, in traditional Human Design, it’s called rappelling. I’m not really a fan of that. So I like to say maybe it’s more pushing. You know, it’s clearing the way. I like that it’s clearing the space because manifestors have this focus, right, they see something, and they’re like, I am going to get to that thing. But I need to clear the space between me and the thing that I want to get to. And so their strategy is all about informing. And the reason why they’re informing is because they don’t want to bulldoze people out of the way. So they’re just kind of saying, Hey, I’m I got to get to that thing. Can you scoot out the way? Kind of thing. They’re not asking for permission to get to the thing that they want. They’re simply saying, I am going to be doing this. I am letting you know, because it might affect you, right. So the only reason why they would even share that informing is because Something that they’re doing or something that they desire, something that they want might affect other people. So let’s say you’re the CEO, and you want to make big changes in your team and you’re really excited and you have it, you know, at the forefront of your mind, you’re just like, yes, this is the most innovative way to do this thing. We’re going to get it done. If you just go ahead and started doing it and not letting the rest of your team know you would get a lot of backlash. So it’s best for you as a manifestor, to inform your team and say, I got this great idea. This is how we’re going to do this thing. Now you’re inviting, you know, everyone else to hop on board with you or say, Hey, we don’t like that. Then the manifestor can say okay, well, then you can leave, you know. So it’s just really good for manifestors to get into some sort of rhythm of not forgetting, you know, who they’re working with their teammates, because once that manifestor gets going, it’s like, okay, it’s just me and the thing that I want.

So the next type we have is Generators and Manifesting Generators and essentially they’re two separate types. One is a hybrid of a manifestor, and a generator, and those are called manifesting generators. And then one is a classic generator type. And so I’ll talk about them kind of together and then give the subtle nuance difference. So generators and MGs have a sacral authority. And essentially what this means is that this center is packed with lifeforce Kundalini energy. It’s like this creating sustaining books, businesses and babies. This is really like this energy of life. And their auric field, like I mentioned earlier, is very magnetic. People want to just be around generators and MGS because they are just when they’re lit up about something when they have an idea. They want to tell the whole world they’re like, I love this thing so much. I love this ice cream. I love this soda. I love this chapstick. And you’re gonna buy it. You’re gonna buy it from them because they are so lit up by it and MGS and generators together they make up about 70% of our population. So that’s a lot of people on this planet that have this sacral authority. The saddest thing that I find about these numbers is that society has really told us to not want, to not want desires, to not be lit up by things, to not be happy, just for happy sake to not be joyful about things that we want to do to just suffer and strife and sacrifice for our businesses for our jobs to make money. And the generators are really here to show people life is supposed to be enjoyable. Life is supposed to be magnificent life is supposed to be juicy and yummy and amazing and, and glorified and all these things, and that’s 70% of the population which just blows my mind, that the stories that we get about you know, successful people are like, well, I started from the bottom and I sacrificed my way to the top. Why don’t we ever tell stories of I just leaned in and the universe’s brought it to me, why don’t we ever have those stories? You know? So generators can really start this new way of teaching and sharing what it means to really live a joyful life. So if we’re talking in business, their strategy is really, they’re here to respond to life. They’re not here to be the go getters. They’re really here to respond to life. They’re here to be the master the master builder, and then MGS, because they have that hybrid, they’re here to be the Express builder, right? So they do things a little bit quicker, because they have that manifesting energy within them. So if we’re talking about a business team, these are the people that would really give their honest opinions about our ideas. Right. So if a manifestor went to a generator and said, Do you like the color of this wall? Yes or no? It’d be like, no, right? Because they want to be lit up by life. They want to be lit up by ideas. And I oftentimes find that like generators are really, really good filtration systems for fun, because their body just wants to always feel good and when they’re feeling good, everyone else It’s like, Whoa, what’s going on over there? I kind of want to be over there. And most likely than not, it’s that generator energy magnetizing and pulling people into you. My husband is a generator as well. And he has a certain channel of sales and sometimes he’s at the grocery store and he sells people things and I’m like, babe, you don’t work here. Because like what I’m so excited about the yogurt like I need everyone to know about it. And so that essentially is generator mg style.

Is it possible that a generator and mg would almost have this like people pleasing quality of not leaning into that, like you ask them the color? Do you like the color of the wall? And they’re like, Oh, yeah, I love it. Even if deep down. They’re like, I don’t know if I like that wall

Absolutely because like I said, you know, we are not really taught to enjoy life. And, I mean, sometimes I feel guilty as a generator. Sometimes I feel guilty that, like, I really love my life like, like even saying that, you know, it’s like, I sometimes feel like I have to hide it because I know that other people are going through things that are traumatic, that are hard that are difficult. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It does not have to be that way. And that’s where we get into authority a little bit, which is how we make our decisions. And every single person has a different authority. So you could have a generator with a sacral authority, which is me, or you can have a generator with an emotional authority, which is my husband. And so he’s meant to make a decision over time he needs to kind of ride the waves of his emotions, whereas me, sometimes he asks me before he even finishes the question, and I’m like, No, I don’t want that. Because my body already knows my body has already responded to his question. Whereas for him, I’m always like, Okay, tell me what you think. What do you think now? What do you think? He’s like, I don’t know. I still don’t know. I still don’t know. I still don’t know. And he’s just riding his wave. So everyone has a different authority. And that is really when the fun part starts coming in, is when we start following our authority, life starts opening up. Because we start saying, “That’s correct for me. That’s not correct for me. That’s correct for me. That’s not correct for me.” And in Human Design, there’s no right or wrong. It’s just what is correct. Because what’s correct for me could be totally incorrect for you in the way that you are moving through life as a projector, you know, with a 3/6 profile and, what’s your… do you know your authority?

Self projected.

Self projected? Exactly. So having to see the truth kind of resonated or reflected in another person. So that might take some time, whereas me my body knows right away gut response, I know it’s a yes or no, you have to have that projection, right? That that just needs space and time. totally different. So if I were to rush you to make a decision, that would be totally incorrect for you. But that would be totally correct for me. And so then I could get upset with you and be like, why are you taking so long to make that decision? And that’s When the communication breakdown begins, whether personally with your kids with your business, all the things.

I actually have just quick story on that. I have an experience… I was going to this retreat with maybe 20 people. And it was in another country and I had to take a few flights to get there. And everyone had already gotten to this island where we were having this retreat, and my flights were canceled, and I travel a lot. And I’ve never have canceled flights. I had my flights canceled, like five or six times, and I would get to a new part, there are a lot of connecting flights and get to a new city. And that one would be canceled. And it just started to feel like maybe I’m not meant to go on this retreat, like what’s going on? Why? Why does this keep happening? And so I asked, we have this group thread with other people on the retreat, and I asked them and there’s actually a Human Design expert who’s on the retreat. I asked, What do you think is going on? Like, do you think I just shouldn’t go and one of them asked me what my authority was and I told her that it’s self projected and she was talking about what you are, of find a trusted friend, somebody that you can talk to about this, who will be a neutral force to just listen and you’ll know as you talk to them about the situation. You’ll feel it in the vibration of your voice. And I’d call one of my friends and was talking to her and within like, probably a minute or two, I just started balling in this airport in Puerto Rico because it was so easy it just, like tumbled out of me. Yeah, it was just and then now I use that all the time of like my few friends that I look to for that kind of support of just holding space while I vomit out my truth and yeah, I feel it and it is profound, how quickly I’ll feel the truth just in when I talk about something so, yeah.

So did you end up going?

I did end up going because the truth that I came to was more of just a resistance to something that was going on in my life that was preventing me from feeling like I could go to this retreat and feel good about it. So, once I dispelled that within myself it was like…


It was done.

Yeah, yeah. But going right back to that enjoyment. It’s like, Oh, I feel guilty. Right. It’s like something else in my life isn’t perfect, so I don’t get to enjoy this thing that’s going to be enjoyable. Right? Right. It’s so deep. It’s very much layered in all of us. That’s amazing. I mean, I love Love, love seeing like Human Design in real life because it’s I myself personally, there’s a tinge of me that’s a little skeptical even though I literally talk about this all day long. I’m still waiting for someone to be like, yeah, that doesn’t work for me. And it has… it has not happened yet. So you know, still trusting the process. But projectors, right so so projectors are the fourth type because we just did manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, and now, projectors. And projectors make up about 20% of our Earth population. And their Auric fields are very penetrative, very like elusive. I always get Scorpionic vibes from projectors, like they can see through you. And sometimes people don’t want to be seen. So they totally reject projectors. They’re like, “Nope. Get out of my space. I don’t want you hearing my thoughts.” Like my son is a projector and actually he’s a double Scorpio Sun and Moon so his energy is like, intense. And projectors are meant to just be these amazing guides. I mean, we all are but projectors see things that other people miss. They see details they see layered things of the unseen. It’s very much this like plutonian underworld is the energy that I get from them. They’re kind of staying in this quiet space until someone recognizes them and says, “Ooh, I like the way you talk about that thing. Can you share more with me?” And that’s like gold to a projectors ears. They’re like, “Oh, you want to know more?” It’s like they’ve been holding in this entire time, all this information of stuff that they know that they’ve seen that they that they’re just watching by, right and they’re just waiting for please, someone just asked me I know the answer. I know the answer. And the strategy for them is to wait for that recognition. Right to wait for that for that someone to see you hear you give you that safe space to be seen and heard. Because if you don’t if you kind of just word vomit your way through, you will end up with that bitterness, that feeling that no one gets me No one likes me. No one wants to hear what I have to say. And that’s not the truth at all. The strategy for each type is there to really preserve the energy to make sure that you’re not just giving away your precious lifeforce energy to just anybody So just anything, that’s why we use the strategy, not to contain ourselves, but to make sure that we are completely charged going into every single situation with people, places, things, whatever. And so it’s really important for projectors to not only make themselves be seen by others because I know projectors like to hide out a little bit. They don’t want anyone to see them. They don’t want anyone to hear that. And we can’t invite you into the party into the conversation if we don’t know that you’re there. So you know, coming from a business perspective, I know that there’s a lot of misleading information out there that says like projectors have to wait for the invitation. And I’m just like, No, I’m not really into that. How about projectors, you make us seen? You make us see you. What do you do? Tell me what you do. You have an Instagram, share on your Instagram. What is it that you do? Let me then invite you into my space to share with my community your knowledge, your wisdom, your powers your abilitys, your gifts, your talents, but I can’t find you if I don’t see you. So my, you know, challenge to projectors if you’re projectors – How is anyone seeing you right now? How can they see you and this is not you’re not going to be pushy. You’re only pushy when you’re trying to kind of give your expertise about something and no one has asked. That’s when you’re pushy.

Right. Almost like unsolicited advice.


Yeah. When I first heard the “wait for the invitation” thing, I was a little put off by it because I felt like “Well, I don’t want to have to wait around for things that I want to create to just come to me.” So I like your distinction of it’s about showing up fully as you and then the right people will find you and see you and then invite you and recognize

Exactly. And that’s where you as a projector have to pay attention to where you’re being invited. Right. So some people are like, I don’t know what my purpose is. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Well What do people keep asking you about? Those are invitations? Those are recognitions. What do you create that people love so much? Do you create candles and people are like, Oh my gosh, I love your candles. That’s an invitation. The invitation isn’t gonna come, you know, wrapped up in an envelope with your address on it. Like we got to get those invitations wherever we can. Right? So as a projector, I would just invite you to kind of remember, when have I really been seen and recognized and heard for the things that I truly love doing? And if you can’t remember one time, then who has seen you? Does anyone know that you do the thing that you do?

Where can you show up more? It reminds me of what we were talking about earlier define feminine energy. Yes, allowing things to come to you versus being the one to go out and have to create it and bring people in and that type of thing. It’s, it was more like you showing up and then allowing what comes from that.

Yes, exactly. Because it should it be ease filled? I always say doesn’t have to be easy, but should be ease filled. Some part of it should feel easy. You know, I’m not in the game of like the hustle and the bustle. Although that works, it does work. And that’s why we’ve all adopted it, right. But I think if more of us tried a different way, and it worked too, I don’t know who would still want to be doing the hustle. If you can be on the beach, and still making money and still serving clients and still changing the world. Why would you not want to do that? Or maybe you do like the hustle. I don’t know, different strokes for different folks. So I’m not, you know, I’m not saying one is better than the other. But there is definitely an ease that should be in everything that you do. Even little things like taking out the trash or doing the dishes or anything like that. It’s like how can you make that more ease filled? Can you light a candle? Can you put some music on? Can you put a podcast on? Can you put your favorite robe on? How can you bring more enjoyment into the mundane? That’s the whole point of us being human, but also divine. We’re here to bring the Divinity into this 3d world. So that’s just a challenge for all the types, not just for projection.

I think you’re speaking my language with bringing enjoyment into things. I’m like a full blown Taurus in that sense of having things feel good as I do them.


Yeah, I think and even thinking about hustle like it works. But at what cost? Like, yeah, it works for the creation of things. But does it work for like you’re saying enjoyment, the soul connection to what you’re doing, the ease, the fun. I feel like there are some things that can be lost when we’re, we’re working so hard and finding that space?

Mm, yes. It’s almost like society has told us that there’s a frivolity around those things.

Hmm, right.

You know, and they don’t actually mean anything. But when we say that those things are actually our identity… fun is my identity, lusciousness is my identity, you know, luxuriousness is my identity, then we’re like, oh, wait, that’s me. You know, it kind of ties it to us as opposed to being this thing out there. Okay, the last one, yes. The fifth types are reflectors. Reflectors, they are only about 1% of the population. So very rare. Funnily enough, I actually have met a beautiful reflector through this work that has become such an amazing friend, and she booked a session with me and I always I have this form that you fill out. The last question is what is your intention for the session? And she said, “My intention is to just soak up your energy and sit with you.” I was like what is going on here? Usually people’s intention is like, I want to find my purpose I want to have get some ideas for business, I want to, you know, learn how to communicate with my partner or whatever. So I got on the call with her. Well, I ran her chart first or I got on a call with her and I saw that she was a reflector and I was like, Okay, so that’s probably why she wrote that. Five minutes into our session, I’m crying. I am crying. She’s giving me the session. And I am just… “Okay, this is a reflector.”


Reflectors, they have every single Center, which are those shapes in the chart, they have every single center. White, undefined. So essentially, this means that they’re sampling the energetics of the environment and the people that they’re around, and then they’re mirroring that energy back to the environment or the person.


It’s profound. It is profound. It is one of the most beautiful dances of life that I’ve ever seen. And their strategy, you know, the way that they make decisions also is to wait a lunar cycle. They’re really here to be synched up with the moon, with the angles of the moon, because we know that each phase of the moon brings its own different energies, you know, at a new moon, the energies are different at a full moon the energies are different, and then every angle in between. And so for them, they’re really here to just sample life, sample life. On a business kind of experience. I always love reflectors in like, the head of HR, or executive assistant positions, the person that’s kind of sitting next to the CEO. That’s not to say that they can’t be CEO in their own right, but they really mirror back the health of a company, the health of a brand, the health of an environment, the health of a person, because all their centers are open. And so that because the centers are open They’re able to digest and drink in the energies of other people. So they can see things, they can feel things that other people cannot feel if those centers are defined for you. And that’s why their energy is so potent and so powerful. And as a collective, we’re really here to support reflectors and make sure that they are in their most healthy states, because they’re the ones reflecting back to us the state of our consciousness, the state of our planet, the state of the way that we do things. Is it working? Call a reflector, ask them, like, do you feel like this is working? Because the way she reflected to me was, she told me, she said, You’re working too much. You don’t have to work so much. Do you know that you can receive with ease? Do you believe that? Do you believe that you’ve already done enough? Because I feel like you know that, but your actions aren’t showing that. And it’s like you paid me to have that session?

Wow. Wow.

It was it was absolutely magical and profound. And just one of the most divine experiences that I think I’ve had in a very long time to just be seen and held in such a way where there’s no agenda. There was no agenda. So reflectors, you know, if there are any reflectors out there, I would really challenge you to maybe find a place and environment. I mean, in Human Design, we all have our different environments, but that’s like a another conversation. I always see reflectors as like, Can we just pay you to listen to us? Like, can you just can you just be a listener in this way? I saw this woman one time she she said one of her offerings is you can pay her for an hour and she will. She’s just listening to you. She’s not giving any advice. It’s just a listening ear. And I was like, that is one of the most amazing ideas out there but she’s not an anything you just said I have time and I will hold this space for you. Something that is so invaluable and yet we don’t believe number one that we need or that we deserve. And it’s people like that, because she’s able to reflect the energy she’s seeing. There’s not enough people that are being listened to. So how can I serve in this way?

Wow, I love that. I feel like listening doesn’t strike most people as something valuable like something you’d pay for?


But when you feel deeply listened to by someone, it is life changing.

It is. It really is.

Thank you for sharing about all of those types too.

You’re welcome

I’ve followed human design for a while and I feel like you just described things in such a soulful and easy to understand way, so thank you.

Thank you.

I have one more question for you. I like to ask this question of all my guests.

Yeah, of course

So, the podcast is called Limitless Life. And I’m wondering, if you could give our listeners one piece of advice to help them live a life with no limits, what would you say to them?

I would say, “Be you.” I would say, “be you.” That is the only way to really have a limitless life. Because the moment that you start trying to be someone else, that’s a limit. And then you see the way that they wear their hair, that’s a limit. Then you see the way that they wear their clothes. That’s another limit. And you see that the car that they drive, well, that’s another limit on you. And it just goes on and on and on and on and on. But if you’re just you, it’s open. There’s no fences, there’s no doors to unlock. There’s no windows to open. It’s just everything is open and airy and free and it’s just you, you are limitless. There’s nothing that you can not do. But it’s also the catch 22 of “Is it safe to be me?” Yes, it’s safe to be you.

Thank you. I feel like that’s such wise life advice, too. Where it’s really all it is. It’s really all all of it is. It’s just you and like you were saying earlier, the journey back to you.


Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And where can people go to learn more about you and all the amazing things you do?

Yeah. So I’m on Instagram @themoon.mother, also moondustourmother.com is the website. Something that I love offering to people who are newly into human design or seasoned into human design, we create these things called Soul Maps, which are essentially a 40-plus written page of your unique Human Design breaking down way more than your type, like strategy, how you’re meant to eat, how you’re meant to sleep, your environment, your purpose, your everything, how you’re going to communicate tons and tons of things. And that has been such a really popular and really, I mean, the feedback from that has just been incredible because it’s such a starting off point. It gives you language around Things that maybe you knew, but you couldn’t quite figure out on your own. I think Human Design is fairly new also that there isn’t a lot of resources out there, there’s not a lot of content to engage with. And then we have something called Routed to Recieve, which is our monthly kind of circle where we meet four times a month. And we really embody divine feminine energy of learning how to be rooted in ourselves so that we can receive with ease. And it’s just, it just a very mind blowing concept to kind of sell people beingness. But I feel like that’s where we are moving towards. It’s like, we don’t know how to be. And so we need people to show us to guide us. So we’re doing that. And yeah, those are the two places where we can really support you in.

Hmm, thank you. For anyone listening, you did, it was either an Instagram Live or IGTV, but it was posted on July 2 2020. Go to her Instagram and watch it. It was that we didn’t really get into it today, but it was about divine currency and it was freaking amazing.

Oh my god. Thank you. I literally love that you know the exact date.

I needed the date so that I could tell people exactly which one to go watch. It was so good. I sent it to a couple friends today.

Oh, yes, divine currency is incredible. And yes, I hope that you can take a moment to watch that because that totally changed my life. Yeah.

Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

Yes, thank you for having me.


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