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Personal Growth

5 Steps to Take When You're Burned Out

by Paisley Hansen

At one point or another, whether it was at school or at work, weā€™ve all hit the proverbial wall.Ā Itā€™s the time when stress builds and you feel empty inside. This is often described as ā€œburnout,ā€Ā where demands feel like they become too much for one person to handle. Many people fall intoĀ a slump, losing the motivation to do daily tasks. It can hit pretty much anyone at any time, andĀ when that moment comes, itā€™s important to know how to bounce back.

1. Identify Burnout

The first step to combating burnout is to recognize when it has happened to you. Do you feelĀ exhausted all the time? Do you get angry easily or withdraw from others? Is your performanceĀ at work not as good as it once was? Do you stress over work even when at home? Are youĀ suffering from new health problems? Does everything you do feel like it doesnā€™t matter? Are youĀ simply not happy? If you answered ā€œyesā€ to any or all of these questions, you may be burnedĀ out.

2. Get Some Sleep

When our minds are constantly thinking about work, and stress begins to overwhelm us, itā€™sĀ easy to lose sleep. But sleep is one of the most important things you can do to overcomeĀ burnout. Many people who are burned out sleep less than six hours a night, which can lead toĀ more problems. Eight hours of sleep is the usual recommendation, so make sure to scheduleĀ enough time for it.

3. Learn to Relax

Outside of sleep, find ways to get some much needed relaxation. Find something you enjoyĀ doing outside of work, like a hobby, that you can concentrate on. That in turn keeps your mindĀ actively thinking about things other than work. This can also provide an opportunity for you toĀ slow down and have fun in the middle of a busy life. Exercise is another good option. WorkingĀ out keeps your body active and helps relax your mind. In case your schedule is full, many healthĀ and fitness websites show how to squeeze in a good workout in a short amount of time.

4. Watch What You Eat

Many people often turn to food as a way to cope with unhappiness, which can lead to weightĀ gain and other health problems. Others actually go without food and skip meals because theyĀ feel like they donā€™t have time to eat. This can put added stress on your body. Whatever theĀ problem may be, find the right balanced diet and make sure to eat nutritious foods that alsoĀ provide a nice energy boost. Superfoods may be the right choice.

5. Go Offline

Those feelings of being overwhelmed can at times be compounded by technology. The internetĀ is now easily accessible from almost anywhere through our smartphones, laptops, and tablets,Ā and that can lead to work and other obligations blending into every aspect of our lives. ToĀ combat burnout, try staying off your smartphone or tablet when itā€™s not necessary. Take a breakĀ by disconnecting, even if itā€™s only for a few hours.Ā Even with all these steps, the causes behind your feelings of burnout may not completelyĀ disappear. Understand that recovery takes time, and while you get back on your feet, youā€™llĀ have some valuable experience for how to deal with the same problems when they crop up inĀ the future.


Paisley Hansen is a health and fitness writer and enthusiast. Follow herĀ @PaisleyHansen.



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