Hello lovers! Just before 2014 hit, I bought a few things that I thought might help me focus on what I WANT (and subsequently don’t want)Ā this year. They have been wonderful companions so far and I wanted to share them with you, just in case you’re realizing that this whole “take over the world thing” isn’t as easy as it’s cracked up to be. š I’ve purchased each of these things myself, so you can rest assured that I’m only recommending them because I really think they’re life changers!
1. Leonie Dawson’sĀ Create Your Amazing Year Workbooks
I bought her business workbook last year on a whim, and was immediately swept away in everything Leonie had to say. She’s like a counselor, cheerleader, coach, and hippie all rolled into one, and every time I read something she writes, it just feels honest, real, and smothered in a desire for me to succeed. Meanwhile, she’s a millionaire entrepreneur who built a creative empire of classes, workshops, and books for women (often called “goddesses” by Leonie).
One of the things I love of hers are herĀ Create Your Amazing Year Workbooks, of which there are “Life” and “Business” versions (I bought both this year!). I haven’t quite finished my latest copy, but spent a couple hours trudging through it and the writing prompts are really helping me focus on what I want to do and be in 2014, both in everyday life and in my business. She also has a “closing ceremony” in each workbook, to help you bring closure to 2013 and leave the past in the past (I LOVE that!). I remember last year, I purchased theĀ business workbook (which asks lots of great entrepreneurial/planning questions) even though the only business I “had” was teaching english at a school in Japan. I may not have been an entrepreneur then, but that book definitely sparked something in me that made me one now.Ā I’m pretty sure I’ll be using these books until I’m old and grey. š (btw I originally wrote old and crusty and then realized I was describing an expired sandwich rather than a person).
2.Ā Skillshare
I LOVE learning things. Anything. Everything. I want to know ALL THE THINGS. A couple of my friends suggested “Skillshare,” which is a website where anyone around the world can teach online classes (with videos) to people on the internet for cheap prices. So far, I’ve taken a class about “Crafting a Brand Identity” which was really useful for certain areas of my design business. They have tons of other classes though, and many of them are not so tailored to certain careers. Some of the classes currently on my wish list are one for calligraphy (with Molly Jacques) and one about designing a productive life. In fact, writing this post has made me want to sign up for the calligraphy class right meow!! I just noticed they’re having a 25% off sale on all classes until 1/10 (code: NEW25) so I think you’ll know where to find me for the next few days. š
3. Whitney English’sĀ Year/Day Designer
I have heard SO.MUCH. about these planners and really wanted to invest in one to see what all the hype was about. Whitney offers two types: the “year” or “day” designer. I see myself as more of a big picture thinker and don’t do well with day-to-day planners, so I thought the “Year Designer” would be a perfect fit. It does still have weekly goal check-in sheets, but much of the beginning worksheets are about defining your values, goals, and what you want to do in 2014. The Year Designer was a little pricey (currently $130), but right now she is selling the Day Designer for a very discounted price, so that’s a bonus.
Are there any products that have helped you live a better or more productive life? I am really interested in knowing what they are! I love spending money on things that make me feel like I’m becoming a better person. š